日系科技树与截图曝光 STB-1为顶级中坦
2013-10-03 12:31来源:网络发布者:佚名新手卡|游戏下载
Wargaming Europe, with the help of Mikhail Zhivets we are happy to share the first screenshots of the Japanese tanks that will be rolling out in the game quite soon. 在Mikhail Zhivets的帮助下,Wargaming很高兴和大家一起分享第一批日系坦克截图,他们将很快出现在游戏中。 "The Japanese line will initially field two branches with nine medium and five light machines, including such fabled models as the Chi-Ri prototype, the first post-war Japanese design Type 61, the light Type 95 Ha-Go and the medium Chi-Ha tanks. Developed during the late 1950s, the prototype of the (ST B-1) will become the Tier 10 medium model. 最初的日系线拥有两个分支,共9辆中坦和5辆轻坦,包括传说中根据Chi-Ri原型设计的模型,日本第一辆战后设计的六一式,轻型Ha-Go九五式坦克和中型Chi-Ha坦克。在20世纪50年代末期研发的ST B-1原型车将成为十级中坦。 Along with existing armored vehicles from the USA, China, France, Great Britain, Germany and the USSR, the new tech tree coming one of the forthcoming updates will become the 7th national line introduced into the game." 继美,中,法,英,德和苏后,日本科技树将成为第七条新的科技树加入游戏。 视频名称:坦克世界 日系坦克宣传片