8.9剧透 日系7级中坦和10级车图片信息
2013-10-28 12:25来源:网络发布者:yi︶曲゛流年新手卡|游戏下载
Type 5 Chi-Ri – tier 7 Posted on October 27, 2013 by Silentstalker — 49 Comments ↓ Tier 7 Japanese medium tank, it will have basically an equivalent of the 75mm L/70 with three round autoloader, it will be as big as the ARL-44 roughly, it will go 45km/h and will have thin armor. 7级日系中坦,炮和 75mm L/70差不多,弹夹3发,车大小和ARL-44相当,速度45km/h,装甲薄。 Japanese tier 10 STB-1 – armor schematics Source: Daigensui Interested in how armored the STB-1 will be? Here are the schematics. Preliminary stats (not necesserily the ones that will appear ingame, but not far): 车重:Weight: 38 tons 速度:Speed: cca 53km/h+ 成员:Crew: 4 (commander, loader, gunner, driver) 主炮:Gun: 105mm L7A1 (-6/+9 俯角/仰角, 均穿 cca 257mm, 330mm with HEAT 金币弹) 引擎:Engine: Mitsubishi 10ZF21WT, 750hp diesel [编辑:nak]