Storm消息 有关8.9版本崩溃现象的解释
2013-11-03 22:47来源:网络发布者:yi︶曲゛流年新手卡|游戏下载
Storm on 8.9 crashes Storm: “There are rumors going around that in 8.9 there is a big number of crashes. We already checked 400 complaints on the subject and for now, they all were connected with incorrectly working mods.” Storm then asks Russian players, whether they experience crashes and whether they are using mods or not. Players that do have problems generally report they are using Joves modpack and XVM, Storm answers that the modpack has a lot of issues and it’s better not to use it, apparently XVM is problematic also. Amway921′s mods are also problematic. Storm有关8.9的崩溃现象 有传言说8.9版本存在大量的崩溃现象,我们已检查400个有关这方面的投诉问题,他们所有人的情况都和使用了不能正常运行的插件有关系 Storm随后询问了俄服的玩家,是否他们经历过崩溃和他们是否用没用过插件。通常有问题的玩家都使用了Joves插件整合包和XVM插件,STorm说那些整合包存在大量的问题,最好别用,显然,XVM有问题,Amway921的插件也有问题。 [编辑:nak]