1102你问我答 跳弹无法伤害其他坦克?
2013-11-03 22:54来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
In other news, the WG EU portal bug is still very much alive and people are getting news in Polish instead of English. How terrible. 其他资讯,WGEU的官网BUG依然还存在,选择英语的玩家依然会看到波兰语的资讯。 - the WT E-100 has a nominal turret back armor of 8mm in its stats, but that doesn’t refer to the back of the turret, but to its roof WT E-100的纸面数据表示它的炮塔后方装甲是8mm厚,但是那其实不是炮塔后方,而是顶上。 - Storm states it doesn’t matter whether you call this patch 0.8.9 or 8.9 (“whatever you like more”), but WG utilizes the 8.9 version more Storm表示你叫这个补丁0.8.9或者8.9都可以(“随你喜欢吧”),但是WG自己用8.9这个代号多一点。 - Storm confirms that balance in 7/42 battles is based on special 7/42 rating, that is based only on your performance in 7/42 battles, which means there haven’t been enough battles played yet and that the stats are lacking. After a week or two, the stats will be there and the rating will start to show real value and the 7/42 battles (skill MM) will work much smoother Storm确认了7/42的平衡是基于7/42的评分来的,也就是那个基于你7/42战斗中表现的评分。也就是说现在的总战斗场次还很少,数据也很少。大概过了一两个礼拜,数据就会准备完毕,评分也开始显示出真实的数据,7/42战(水平分房)工作情况也会比现在更好。 - for current 7/42 skill MM, regular personal rating is NOT used, it’s “survival of the fittest” according to Storm 现在的7/42的水平分房不会用到个人评分,Storm说那是“适者生存”的结果。 - there is no specified coefficient for the difference between camo factor while standing and camo factor while moving for any one class, apparently it’s tuned individually for each tank (SS: a player mentions that according to experiments, heavies lose 50 percent camo while moving on average, mediums lose 25 percent of camo when moving and TD’s lose 40 percent of their camo while moving). 移动和静止之间的隐蔽系数不是每个车种通用的,每辆车都有不同的数据(SS:有玩家表示说根据实验,重坦们在移动时的隐蔽系数会减半,中坦们则会降低25%,TD们会降低40%左右)。 - Christie tanks won’t appear for now 现在暂时不会出现克里斯蒂坦克。 - a ricocheted shell cannot damage another vehicle apparently: there are technical reasons for this decision: one shell hitting two tanks would somehow disrupt the server processes 被跳蛋的炮弹无法伤害另一辆坦克:这样做是有技术角度上的原因的:一个击中两辆坦克的炮弹会中断服务器的进程。 - the fact the engine fire doesn’t kill crewmen is a gameplay decision 引擎起火不会击杀组员的理由是从游戏性方面考虑后决定的。 [编辑:nak]