1112你问我答 德系狮子俯仰角防御提升
2013-11-12 10:23来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
- if allgoes well, next patch (8.10) will bring projectiles flying thru destructableobjects such as fences and walls 如果一切进行良好,8.10炮弹就可以飞过可被击毁的物体(比如篱笆和墙壁,根据下文推测为木屋的墙壁,砖墙在游戏里基本=石头=钢达尼姆合金。 - fixed a bug where in the tooltip for the loader on IS-7 it was displayed thatthe crewman can’t train radioman skills, apparently this bug caused a lot ofbutthurt 修复了i7装弹手不能学无线电手技能的bug(is7最后一个装弹手兼职无线电员),显然这个BUG是由于制作成员想当然了(字面意义为臀部不适)。 - fixed a bug where the average XP for crewmen was displayed as two times lowerthan on the tank itself. It’s a visual bug, not the crewmen getting less XP,don’t worry :) 修正了资料显示上成员平均经验只有坦克平均一半的BUG(只是视觉BUG,别担心)。 -increased the turret rotation speed on Maus by 2 degrees/sec (eg. by almost 15percent) 耗子的炮塔转速+2度。 - changes for Lowe: upper side armor is 20mm thicker, -2,5 tons of weight, +40shells in ammo rack, depression buffed by 2 degrees 狮子的BUFF计划:侧面上部(估计为无履带覆盖区域)加厚20mm,降低2.5吨重量,+40的弹药携带量(这项可以竞争年度最无用BUFF金奖),俯角+2度(好评)。 The Japanese are being worked on, maps are being reworked – workis in full swing. 霓虹坦克和地图重置全力进行中。 From thediscussion: 一些从讨论中发掘的资料。 - there is not enough data yet whether top Waffenträgers are OPor not 还没有足够资料证明百运是否op。 - for now, only destructable objects will be penetrable, tests have shown thatwhile a 120mm subcaliber shell penetrating 10 huts in a row is realistic, itchanges gameplay on some places significantly 目前,地图上只有可被摧毁的物品可以被击穿,现实实验证明120mm次口径弹可以打穿10个排成一排的木屋,这会大幅度的改变现有游戏。 - for penetrating destructable objects there will be a loss of penetration forthe shell 击穿这些可被摧毁的物品会降低你那发炮弹的穿深。 - theloss of penetration will not be a big one, it will be the same for all objects 穿深损失不会太大,不过击穿所有可被摧毁的物品的穿深下降会是一样的(打穿篱笆和墙壁一样难。) - it’s not planned for shadows of objects to provide camo bonus 物体的阴影不会增强你的隐蔽。 - the Lowe gun elevation will also be buffed despite not being listed above 狮子的仰角也会被BUFF(即便没单独列出来)。 - Stormstates that the Maus turret rotation buff is important, as the turret rotatesreally slowly SS表示耗子的炮塔转速BUFF了也没啥意义:本来慢的就和不会转一样。