1112你问我答 德系狮子俯仰角防御提升
- the shells penetrating destructable object will destroy it too (SS: so, likenow, just that the tank behind it will get hit, the shell won’t get eaten) 炮弹击穿可被摧毁的物体之后那个物体也会被摧毁(SS:和现有的情况一样,在物体之后的坦克会被击中,炮弹不会被篱笆吃掉)。 - North-West map has really positive feedback, most players like it North-West这张图反响不错,多数玩家喜欢这图。 - goldshells for credits won’t be removed 银换金不会被取消。 - for now the HEAT damage reduction is not planned 给HEAT弹减伤害?没这个计划。 - there is no plan to implement XP gained by crewmembers into the post-battlestatistics 没计划在战报里加入成员经验收获明细。 - optional hulls will come in 2014 可选择车体的选项在2014年到来(看,航天局的卫星!)。 - no plans for material gun barrels (SS: as in, gun barrels that don’t clipthru objects) 没计划给炮管加入碰撞模型。 - noplans for other Maus gun changes 没计划改耗子。 - there will be more varied gun sounds (no more 150m and 120mm sounding thesame) 开火声音会变得不同的(现在120和150开火一个声音(我觉得不同啊)。 - M48 gun model will be fixed M48炮管模型会被修正。 - T2 LT won’t get better MM than it has now 现在而言T2LT分房不会变好的。 430工程原型 V2,后置炮塔,ss博客上说是从416上研发,通往10级的430工程。 [编辑:nak]