坦克世界9.0日系顶级TD “Ho-Ri Toku”
2013-11-12 09:16来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
Top tier Japanese TD Ho-Ri Toku Author: Daigensui Disclaimer: This post is speculative. There is no guarantee this will be a tier 10 tank destroyer, it’s just a thought, not a “leak” in any way. Hello everyone, just some preliminary info on the possible tier 10 Japanese TD by Daigensui, if you are interested. 说明一下,车辆是存在的,但是不是10级车不知道,也不是官方泄漏的内容,而是作者Daigensui一个人的想法,如果你感兴趣,就看看。 Ho-Ri Toku An experimental project, never got past the mock-up stage. Weight: 45 tons Engine: 900hp Gun: 300mm+ penetration experimental 105mm high-power gun (historical, existed – 16kg shell at 1000+ m/s, tungsten-chrome-steel alloy shells), Armor: frontal armor (the sloped part) is 125mm at 70 degrees, the superstructure front is 250mm thick, sides are very thin (25-50mm) Japanese tank destroyers and heavy tanks however won’t come anytime soon, possibly not even next year. 一个试验项目,测试样品没有通过。 车重:45吨 引擎:900hp 炮:105口径 300以上的穿深,历史上真实存在的---钨铬钢合金炮弹,重16kg,炮弹速度1000+m/s 装甲:首上倾斜角度70,厚度125mm,上部装甲250mm,侧面很薄,25-50mm 日系TD和HT不会很快来到,或许明年也不会。 [编辑:nak]