1111你问我答 炮速与车速不能相互叠加
2013-11-11 10:52来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
- ISU-130 (ISU with 130mm gun) won’t be implemented for now 目前不会有ISU-130。 - T-35 with additional spaced armor and 122/130/152/180mm guns is complete garbage according to SerB SerB:老实说,装着122/130/152/180MM火炮外加额外间隙装甲的T-35就是一堆垃圾。 - T-100 might appear in the game (but not with KV-2 turret) T-100也许会有————但不会用KV-2的马桶脑袋。 - Soviet Panzer IV with 57mm ZIS gun has zero chance of appearing in game, no info on other two Soviet rearm projects (Panther with 85mm gun, Tiger with 100mm D-10T, yes – that plan existed) 使用57炮的苏联豹式不可能出现在游戏里面————至于其他两种苏联魔改车(85炮豹子,100炮虎式)没有足够的资料。 - project variant of ISU-122 with 150mm frontal armor won’t appear as an optional hull Isu-122有一个计划型,有着150MM的正脸————不过不会成为152的可选车体的。 - shell velocity does not combine with the tank forward speed in the game (SS: as in, if the tank moves forward at 1 m/s and the shell flies at 300 m/s, this shell won’t fly at 301 m/s) WOT世界是个不受常识约束的地方,炮弹飞行速度和车辆速度不会叠加。 - the fact that T69 reloads its autoloader for 26s, T54E1 for 33s and T57 for 25s is due to the fact the T57 autoloading mechanism was more advanced 为什么T69装弹时间是33秒,T54E1是33秒而T57只要25秒? 因为T57的装弹机制更先进。 - S-Tank will not be implemented into WoT, because the developers would have to implement a mechanism especially for it. But if it was ever implemented, it would be a TD. S坦克不会有,因为毛子觉得他的机制太特殊了,如果一定要有的话,那也是TD。 - WoWp loading window will possibly be added to WoT too WOT也会采用战姬世界的读条窗口。 - Clanwars won’t be changed to 7/42 battle mode. It’s possible Clanwars will have an amount of players increased – for commanders, there will be a special command interface (a map) – “when it’s done it’s done” 领土战规则不会变成7V7规则。领土战的人数将会提高————对于指挥来说,会有一个特殊的指挥界面————当然,这都是卫星。 - Japanese tanks that were produced but never fought might appear in historical battles, but not straight away 那些已经生产出来,单位参加到实战的日系车也可以参加历史模式————不过不能直接参加。 - Japanese tanks won’t have a special spall liner as their “national” equipment 日系车没有日系专有的特殊内衬。 - it’s completely possible some of the regular Japanese tanks will have improved Hara-type suspension 可能有一些日系车会有增强型Hara悬挂。 - so far there is not enough info on Japanese top TD’s 日系顶级TD————资料空缺中。 [编辑:nak]