
1110你问我答 日系10级重型和老鼠一样

2013-11-11 09:29来源:网络发布者:yi︶曲゛流年新手卡|游戏下载

- SerB states that (regarding the WT Panzer IV) the Panzer IV chassis could carry a 128mm gun – he recommends to go and have a look at Waffenträger on 38(t) chassis in Kubinka, it also could hold the 128mm and 150mm gun


- angle of impact has no effect on track armor thickness (SS: in case you didn’t know, tracks do have an armor value, usually around 20mm)


- T14 appearing as the only tier 5 tank in tier 6 battles despite being too weak fort that? “How terrible…”

T14 作为5级车在6级房太弱了把?太可怕了。

- SerB states that situation, where all crewmembers and modules are intanct but a tank “dies” anyway is realistic (SS: as in, in real life it would be breaking apart in seems from damage for example)

SerB 说有那么一种情况,所有的成员和零件都完好无损,但车辆确实处在“死亡”状态,现实中确有其事(SS:在现实中,似乎由于某种损伤而车辆解体)。

- when optional hulls become available, you won’t have to destroy both hulls to get the expert medal


- when multi-gun mechanism is implemented and Maus gets its 75mm gun, SerB states its game impact will be negligible


- Object 268 (heavy tank), Object 267 and Object 770 are not planned

Object 268 (重坦), Object 267 and Object 770 不再计划中。

- it’s possible second Soviet TD branch (with SU-152P and SU-152G) will appear

S系2线分支将会出现(with SU-152P and SU-152G)。

- initially, historical battles will most likely work as random battles, historical company battles might appear as second step


- the IS-3 in game doesn’t represent one exact version, various options are possible (including with IS-3M elements)


- IS-3 with various hulls will most likely appear. Optional hulls will start with the most obvious choices (such as various frontal armor on IS/IS-2 tanks), after that other optional hulls will be slowly added, but SerB adds that there won’t be ALL the hull variants of all the tanks in game (for example hulls where the only difference was an added towing cable)

各种各样的 IS-3车体都会出现,可选车体将会有更多的选择,随后,各种可选车体都会慢慢的加入游戏,但SerB不会把所有车辆的车体都加入。

- apparently the tier 10 Japanese heavy will be along the same lines of thought as Maus, but Maus will be heavier


- the reason there will be no tier 11 vehicles is: “We don’t want to make levelling up longer. We get money from more options, not from long grinds.”


上一篇:1109你问我答 WG对插件态度与R系车特点 下一篇:1111你问我答 炮速与车速不能相互叠加


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

