
1109你问我答 WG对插件态度与R系车特点

2013-11-10 10:36来源:网络发布者:yi︶曲゛流年新手卡|游戏下载

- SerB is not active on WoWp forums – he has no time for 2 forums – but in time he might move there


- captured Soviet Panzer IV (T-4) will most likely have the L/48 gun


- in time the same clans that exist in WoT will be enabled (ported into) WoWp


- clans will be unified in all 3 WG games


- Rheinmetall Waffenträger drowning too easily? “How terrible…”

莱茵金属武器运载车太容易就淹死了?“How terrible…”

- (connected with the WoWp and WoT clans unification), maxmimum amount of people in clans will be increased, but the amount of tokens for CWs will remain the same – this increase is to allow clans to recruit WoWp players


- Captured tanks will not work as premium tanks: theoretically, a captured tank could be equal to a regular elite tank of its tier in quality (doesn’t have to be weaker like a premium tank), but in case of T-4, it will most likely not have Panzer IV’s top engine


There is a MM rule: “Vehicles are put into teams based on collected team statistics in last half hour” – a developer explains what it means – basically, MM works so that it watches “typical” setups in last half an hour (for example, that there are usually 3 heavies in almost every fight) and when there is such a trend, MM will “prepare in advance” 3 heavy tank slots and fill them outside of the queue, which improves the MM speed.


This mechanism is used during arty hardcaps calculations: when using the “5 arty” hardcap (if there are enough arties, there used to be plenty before), extra arty is moved into the secondary queue, where it can stay for a long time. This happened when there were too many arties, now it is not actual anymore.

这个机制也在火炮数量限制时被使用过:当使用“5火炮”的限制时(假设有足够多的火炮,以前火炮还是很多的),多余的火炮会被移动到第二个队列中,在那个队列中,它可以呆的更久一些。 这个情况只发生在以前火炮特别多的时候,现在其实已经没那么多火炮了。

Q at 00:53. Patch 0.8.0 was really nice, why were the patches after that underwhelming.


上一篇:坦克世界8.9分房表 内含最新二线TD权重 下一篇:1110你问我答 日系10级重型和老鼠一样


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

