1109你问我答 WG对插件态度与R系车特点
2013-11-10 10:36来源:网络发布者:yi︶曲゛流年新手卡|游戏下载
Q at 07:30. Do you use other parameters than % wins on each side for deciding whether to re-balance a map? 除了每边胜率之外,你们在决定地图平衡的时候还参考别的数据么?? A. Yes. First one is the average duration of battle in the battle. There are others, such as player surveys. We will re-work problem maps, as considering the change in SPG numbers have really changed map characteristics. 当然,比如每场战斗的平均持续时间就是一个参考数据。还有其他诸如玩家意见调查这样的数据,也是很重要的。 我们将重制一些有问题的地图,因为火炮数量变了,有些图的数据也变了 Q at 08:30: What will Japanese tanks be like? 话说本子车有啥特点? A. There will be some interesting characteristics. For example, good angles of vertical gun depression. Tanks will be like Leopard – fast, thin armor, guns like A7. But much can change during rebalancing yet to come.$ X% J R5 D( ?* W) b 很多有趣的特点啊,比如,优良的俯仰角。车子和豹1类似————飞快的果奔车,用一门和A7很像的炮。不过具体数据可能有变动: Q at 09:20: What about lack of atmosphere (burning tanks, smoke, aviation) in many maps? 毛子,你不觉得每张地图缺点什么呢? A. Yes, it is missing. Some people have suggested to add moose running out of forests, but we won’t go so far. But overall we agree that we need more details added to maps. 是啊,是缺点什么。有玩家建议我们增加“一群驼鹿从森林冲出”的细节,不过我们不打算这样。不过,必须承认的是,我们需要在地图上添加细节 Q at 10:00. Can you tell us about HD client? 谈谈你对画质改良的说法吧 A. Yes, graphical improvements both of tanks and maps scenery. These are two separate parts. Tanks will have improvements in number of polygons, to avoid square gun barrels. We will make it so that polygons cannot be seen. We will also increase number of textures, and add new shaders so that tanks look better in different lightning. 嗯,画质改良包括车辆和地图场景。这是两个独立部分,我们将会增加车辆模型的多边形数目,这样你就不会看见方炮管了。我们也会尽量让那些多边形看不出(棱角)来。我们也会增强材质,改良著色器,这样车辆在不同光源下的效果会更好 Q at 12:00 what about garage battles. 说说车库战吧 A. They will come later, they will not be ” simply garage battles”, but I cannot say more. There are different problems with it, for example, we need maps of larger size, need multiple spawns points which player can pick from to avoid camping near spawn points. There are also performance issues with lots of wrecks. But we are finding solutions and all be fine. 马上就会出,但不是一个简简单单的“车库战”,我不能透露具体细节。 我们遇到了不少麻烦,比如说,我们要大地图,多个重生点————这样玩家可以自由选择重生点而不要蹲在最近的点边上。问题很多,但我们能找到解决办法,一切都会好的 Q at 14:40. What do you think about mods and modders? 你是怎么看待插件和插件制作者的? A. We will be actively involved. We want to help players have less problems with using mods, for example so that XVM doesn’t break upon each patch. We will make resources which are approved by WarGaming where a player can easily install a particular mod, so that players avoid trojans or other issues. We believe mods overall help the game. There are some negative mods, but most are positive. 我们是以积极的态度参与其中,我们希望帮助玩家,让他们在使用插件的时候不会遇上麻烦,比如,无论是哪个版本,XVM插件总是可用的。我们将提供资源,方便玩家安装插件,这样玩家不会碰上木马,病毒或者其他的麻烦。 我们坚信,插件有利于游戏 插件有好有坏,但好插件总是占多数的。 [编辑:nak]