
1109你问我答 WG对插件态度与R系车特点

1109你问我答 WG对插件态度与R系车特点


- SerB is not active on WoWp forums – he has no time for 2 forums – but in time he might move there


- captured Soviet Panzer IV (T-4) will most likely have the L/48 gun


- in time the same clans that exist in WoT will be enabled (ported into) WoWp


- clans will be unified in all 3 WG games


- Rheinmetall Waffenträger drowning too easily? “How terrible…”

莱茵金属武器运载车太容易就淹死了?“How terrible…”

- (connected with the WoWp and WoT clans unification), maxmimum amount of people in clans will be increased, but the amount of tokens for CWs will remain the same – this increase is to allow clans to recruit WoWp players


- Captured tanks will not work as premium tanks: theoretically, a captured tank could be equal to a regular elite tank of its tier in quality (doesn’t have to be weaker like a premium tank), but in case of T-4, it will most likely not have Panzer IV’s top engine


There is a MM rule: “Vehicles are put into teams based on collected team statistics in last half hour” – a developer explains what it means – basically, MM works so that it watches “typical” setups in last half an hour (for example, that there are usually 3 heavies in almost every fight) and when there is such a trend, MM will “prepare in advance” 3 heavy tank slots and fill them outside of the queue, which improves the MM speed.


This mechanism is used during arty hardcaps calculations: when using the “5 arty” hardcap (if there are enough arties, there used to be plenty before), extra arty is moved into the secondary queue, where it can stay for a long time. This happened when there were too many arties, now it is not actual anymore.

这个机制也在火炮数量限制时被使用过:当使用“5火炮”的限制时(假设有足够多的火炮,以前火炮还是很多的),多余的火炮会被移动到第二个队列中,在那个队列中,它可以呆的更久一些。 这个情况只发生在以前火炮特别多的时候,现在其实已经没那么多火炮了。

Q at 00:53. Patch 0.8.0 was really nice, why were the patches after that underwhelming.



A. There were a lot of work in progress about better graphics, and models, and this work isn’t fully finished thus cannot be rolled into the patches. Perhaps we should have been more active in communicating what we are working on for players.


Q at 1:45. Are you happy with the SPG nerf, did you achieve what you wanted?

火炮被削,你是不是很高兴呢? 是不是达到了预期目标呢??

A. We cannot look at emotions, we have to look at stats. At top tiers there are 2 SPG per game, which is appropriate. At lower levels there are less, so we will gradually buff mid- and low-tier SPGs until there are more.

我们不能从感性的角度认识这个,要理性,要依靠数据。 10级房平均2门火炮————这是极好的。 低级房火炮更少,所以我们要Buff低级火炮以及中级火炮,让他们数量增加一点。

Q at 04:30: New tank branches are usually OP compared to old ones, so they are not balanced.


A. Not all. For example new Chinese lines aren’t OP. British line has very strange TD which shoots “nuclear shells” but it requires high player skill, and when you meet it in randoms, it isn’t clear what to expect from it.

So we agree th at some tanks will need to be rebalanced, but we cannot generalize that all new tanks are OP. You will see that Japanese line won’t be OP.

完全不是啊。天朝车,一般般啦。 英国有着使用“核弹”(GTX690)的奇葩TD,但这些车对玩家的技术要求很高,在还有,当你在野队碰上这些时,你总是不清楚接下来会发生什么;当然,我承认,有些车是要进行再平衡。但我们不能简简单单就得出“新车是Bug”的说法,你看,马上要出的日系车就很一般;

Q at 05:25. About penetration and damage


Yes, many people say the random distribution range of penetration and damage is too wide. But the random distribution of accuracy has much higher impact, and we already lowered that.


Q at 06:25. About premium shells bought for credits.


Yes, this is a critical question, and this has both pros and cons. We are discussion and may make changes, or perhaps won’t. For now this ability to buy premium shells for credits will stay.One option we consider is to limit the number of how many [premium shells / premium shells bought for silver?] you can carry into one battle.[Jove suggests lower penetration of premium shells] No, we don’t consider lowering premium shell penetration. We were considering lower damage for higher-penetration shells though.

是的,这是一个关键的问题,这个东西,大家褒贬不一,我们也就它的存废问题进行过讨论。不过,这个功能还是会保留的。 我们也考虑过是否要限制金币弹的携带上限。



Q at 07:30. Do you use other parameters than % wins on each side for deciding whether to re-balance a map?


A. Yes. First one is the average duration of battle in the battle. There are others, such as player surveys. We will re-work problem maps, as considering the change in SPG numbers have really changed map characteristics.

当然,比如每场战斗的平均持续时间就是一个参考数据。还有其他诸如玩家意见调查这样的数据,也是很重要的。 我们将重制一些有问题的地图,因为火炮数量变了,有些图的数据也变了

Q at 08:30: What will Japanese tanks be like?


A. There will be some interesting characteristics. For example, good angles of vertical gun depression. Tanks will be like Leopard – fast, thin armor, guns like A7. But much can change during rebalancing yet to come.$ X% J R5 D( ?* W) b


Q at 09:20: What about lack of atmosphere (burning tanks, smoke, aviation) in many maps?


A. Yes, it is missing. Some people have suggested to add moose running out of forests, but we won’t go so far. But overall we agree that we need more details added to maps.


Q at 10:00. Can you tell us about HD client?


A. Yes, graphical improvements both of tanks and maps scenery. These are two separate parts. Tanks will have improvements in number of polygons, to avoid square gun barrels. We will make it so that polygons cannot be seen. We will also increase number of textures, and add new shaders so that tanks look better in different lightning.


Q at 12:00 what about garage battles.


A. They will come later, they will not be ” simply garage battles”, but I cannot say more. There are different problems with it, for example, we need maps of larger size, need multiple spawns points which player can pick from to avoid camping near spawn points. There are also performance issues with lots of wrecks. But we are finding solutions and all be fine.

马上就会出,但不是一个简简单单的“车库战”,我不能透露具体细节。 我们遇到了不少麻烦,比如说,我们要大地图,多个重生点————这样玩家可以自由选择重生点而不要蹲在最近的点边上。问题很多,但我们能找到解决办法,一切都会好的

Q at 14:40. What do you think about mods and modders?


A. We will be actively involved. We want to help players have less problems with using mods, for example so that XVM doesn’t break upon each patch. We will make resources which are approved by WarGaming where a player can easily install a particular mod, so that players avoid trojans or other issues.

We believe mods overall help the game.

There are some negative mods, but most are positive.


我们坚信,插件有利于游戏 插件有好有坏,但好插件总是占多数的。

上一篇:坦克世界8.9分房表 内含最新二线TD权重 下一篇:1110你问我答 日系10级重型和老鼠一样


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

