1103你问我答 超潘兴出售后可原价赎回
2013-11-03 23:01来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
- according to SerB, the problem with LL Matilda and LL Chruchill is that they are used as regular tanks in the British branch - 据SerB说,苏联版玛蒂尔达和丘吉尔的问题在于他们被用作英国线的常规坦克。 - Object 430 will come out “it’s done when it’s done” - 430工程"做好了就有"。 - A-43 and A-44 actually have the same turret, (“A-44″), but in the game this same turret is registered as two different turrets with the same name, as there are no shared turret modules in WoT - A-43和A-44事实上用的是同样的炮塔(“A-44″),但是在游戏中这个炮塔被算作两个有同样名字的不同的炮塔了,因为他们在WoT中使用的是不同的模型 - if you sold your Superpershing for gold and want it back, you can simply buy it for the same price it was sold for in the ingame shop - 如果你把你的超级潘兴用金币卖了,又想买回他,你可以从前在游戏中出售的价格买回它。 [编辑:nak]