1105你问我答 高伤害并不等于高输出?
2013-11-05 11:00来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
- according to SerB, XP gained does not corellate directly with damage done - 据SerB说,经验获得不是和伤害完全对应的。 - capture points are displayed in statistics even when the battle was not won by capture, as they count towards achievements either way, such as the Leclerc medal - 即使不是靠占点获胜(全歼),占点点数也会被统计,他们会被计入成就统计,如雷克斯克勋章。 - no comment on how (or whether) the premium account will be improved (to compensate for the fact platoons and companies are available to everyone now) - 关于VIP账户的收益会如何(或是否)提升,无可奉告。(用以补偿现在人人都能组队和联队战的情况)。 - the reason renaming the crewmembers costs gold is the fact it is a visual change and has no influence on gameplay (no pay to win), it’s a cosmetic change - 重命名车组成员要用金币的原因是它只是一个视觉效果,并不会影响游戏平衡(不是付费取胜),它只是个装饰品。 - the reason for threadmarks (track marks) on the ground disappearing quickly is so they don’t occupy too much computer memory (optimization) - 履带轨迹会快速消失,是因为这样就不用占用电脑太多的内存了。 [编辑:nak]