1107你问我答 想收藏最特殊坦克KV4吗?
2013-11-07 15:30来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
Confirmed: next patch is going to be 8.10, not 9.0 下个版本名为8.10,而非9.0 - WoT for OS X to appear earlier then War Thunder for OS X? “Time will tell 毛子毛子,OSX版的WOT会不会先于OSX版WT上市??? 时间会说明一切的 - WoT is not considered a “historical” game according to SerB SerB:蛤?我什么时候说过WOT是一款“还原历史“的游戏啦,伦~家~可~没~说~过~哦。(因为SerB酱,你在创造历史啦) - Q: “Are you doing something to improve the quality of the game? How much do you respect the work of your team, when you treat the game like this?” A: “Everyone knows we found the game in a dumpster and now are just cashing in” SerB酱,SerB酱,你有什么提高游戏品质的点子么? 还有,还有,你在制作类似于这样的游戏时,有没有给予你的组(ji)员(you)足够的尊(fei)重(zao)呢? SerB:噗,你知道的,我们是从垃圾桶里发现这个游戏的(企划)————现在,我们靠这个赚了…… - Q: “Who is the game made for, developers of players?” A: “Not idiots, that’s for sure!” SerB酱,SerB酱,这个游戏是为谁而设计的,是为玩家还是设计师? SerB:嘛,总之,不是为琪露诺,王二雷这种笨蛋设计的 - Hurricanes (as in the British planes) will appear in WoWp 战姬世界有英国的飓风式战斗机 - new city maps maps Minsk, Kharkov and Konigsberg will appear in random battles too 几张野队的新巷战地图————明斯克(是不是会有WG大楼这个建筑),哈尔科夫,柯尼斯堡 - KV-4 in game is based on N.Dukhov’s design. It was picked because it is “most distinctive” 游戏中的KV-4采用了N.Dukhov的设计,因为他的设计方案最特殊 - there might be optional hulls even for “paper” tanks: for example it’s possible the E-50M will become an optional hull for E-50 and both will move to tier 10 嗯,有些图纸车也可能会有可选车体————例如,E-50M变成E-50的可选车体,然后E-50变成10级车 - Object 430 prototype: “When it’s done it’s done” 蛤,Obj430原型? 总之会有的 - plans to use PaK 36(r) from Marder on other vehicles? “If there are any, I will tell” 有没有让别的车使用黄鼠狼2的Pak36(R)的计划? 如果有的话,我会说的 - in historical battles the T-34/76 won’t be buffed to compete with Tigers in 1943 battles: “Either flank, or use ISU-152″ 在历史战斗中(1943年剧本),T-34-76不会为了对抗喵式而得到亲爹SerB的Buff的,所以说,要想在1943年剧本对抗喵式————要么打侧面,要么使用威力巨大のISU-152突击炮 - FCM36 Marder I gun module too heavy? “How terrible”- 毛子,毛子,你不觉得FCM36的炮太重了点么??? SerB:”好可怕啊,吃我六字真言啦! - apparently perks rework don’t have exactly high priority. 某些技能要重做,但优先度不高 - the “detrack” XP bonus (shared XP) doesn’t apply when you knock out opponent’s engine and not tracks 打坏敌人发动机是没有断履带奖励的 - Dicker Max and Sturer Emil have identical guns, but their weight is different. The reason for it are different gun mounts 大麦和白板埃米尔用同一门炮,不过重量不同,因为炮座不同 [编辑:nak]