坦克世界8.10为小版本 将加入两辆S系车
2013-11-12 11:27来源:网络发布者:nak新手卡|游戏下载
Storm answers on 8.10 another short post by Storm about what’s going on in development for 8.10 Storm写的一篇简单的文章,介绍8.10开发进展的情况。 - if all goes well, next patch (8.10) will bring projectiles flying thru destructable objects such as fences and walls 如果一切顺利,8.10将会带来炮弹能够穿过可被摧毁的物体,比如栅栏和围墙。 - fixed a bug where in the tooltip for the loader on IS-7 it was displayed that the crewman can’t train radioman skills, apparently this bug caused a lot of butthurt 修复IS-7装单弹手不能学习通讯技能的bug。 - fixed a bug where the average XP for crewmen w。as displayed as two times lower than on the tank itself. It’s a visual bug, not the crewmen getting less XP, don’t worry 修复成员平均获得经验低于车辆本身2倍的bug,这只是个显示的bug,实际上成员获得的经验没有少,不要担心。 - increased the turret rotation speed on Maus by 2 degrees/sec (eg. by almost 15 percent) 老鼠炮塔转速增加2度。 - changes for Lowe: upper side armor is 20mm thicker, -2,5 tons of weight, +40 shells in ammo rack, depression buffed by 2 degrees 狮子的变化:侧上装甲增加20mm,车重降低2、5,弹药增加40,俯角增加2度。 The Japanese are being worked on, maps are being reworked – work is in full swing. 日系车在制作中,地图在重做中,一切工作都在全力进行。 From the discussion: - there is not enough data yet whether top Waffenträgers are OP or not 顶级运搬车是否逆天,还没有足够的数据说明。 - for now, only destructable objects will be penetrable, tests have shown that while a 120mm subcaliber shell penetrating 10 huts in a row is realistic, it changes gameplay on some places significantly 暂时,只有可被摧毁的物体可以穿透,现实中测试显示,120mm的次口径弹可以穿过一个水平面上10幢房屋,这显然在某些地方改变了游戏的玩法。 - for penetrating destructable objects there will be a loss of penetration for the shell 穿过可摧毁物体将使得炮弹穿深丢失。 - the loss of penetration will not be a big one, it will be the same for all objects 炮弹穿深丢失的数值不会很大,在所有物体上的数值都一样。 - it’s not planned for shadows of objects to provide camo bonus 物体阴影不计划给与伪装加成。 - the Lowe gun elevation will also be buffed despite not being listed above 尽管上面没说,但狮子的仰角也会加强。 - Storm states that the Maus turret rotation buff is important, as the turret rotates really slowly Storm说老鼠的炮塔转速加强是一件很重要的事,因为它的炮塔转速真的慢啊(那为什么不再6.0、7.0那时候加强呢)。 - E-100/Maus “Tiger-II-like” turret with a 128mm gun is a complete fake E-100 、老鼠、虎王之类的炮塔安装128炮完全就是个骗局。 - in the future, shells will be flying through buildings too 未来,炮弹也能够穿过建筑物。 - Storm states that the reason for this change is for the gameplay to be “more understandeable” Storm 说这些变化的原因是为了游戏玩法更加通俗易懂。 - there will be “non-linear loss of penetration with each hit of the object 炮弹每击中一个物体,穿深的丢失将会是非线性的。 - Storm is not aware of any FPS drop issues in 8.9 Storm没有觉得到8.9 fps 有任何降低的现象。 - the penetrated objects won’t have see-through holes in them apparently 可击毁的物体不会在它们的身上看到炮弹穿过后留下的洞。 - rocks and stones will not be penetrable 岩石和石块不能够击穿。 坦克世界下一个版本名为8.10版本,在8.10版本中Storm已经透露出许多将要改变的东西,同时将会推出日系新车和苏系的新车,但是大家期待的T-44-85将暂时不会出现,下面小编就带大家来看下Storm介绍的8.10情况吧!
- T-44-85 will not come in 8.10 T-44-85 不会在8.10出现。 - KV-1S will not be split in 8.10 KV-1S 也不会在8.10拆分(但肯定会被拆的)。 - player statistic bug will be fixed this year (SS: not sure which one is meant 玩家数据bug今年会修复的。 - the destructable object penetration mechanism is already developed, the only thing to decide is in which patch will it come 可摧毁物体的穿透机制已经完成,只是在决定到底在哪个版本实施它。 - info about 8.10 and two new Soviet tanks will come soon 8.10版本和 2 台新的S系车将会很快来到。 - Japanese tanks will come “in the next month” 下个月将会出现日本车。 - it’s too early to tell whether the T7 Combat Car is too weak T7战斗车是否太渣,现在就说还为时过早。 - improved graphics (partial, 9.0) will come around New Year 画质提升,也就是9.0版本,将会在新年来到。 - in 8.10 there will (apart from the Japanese) be also the color filters 在8.10,除了本子车外,还会滤色器。 - there are no plans for changes of E-100 and other vehicles on its bases apparently 没有计划去改动E100 和以它为基础的车。 - KV-5 is doing fine statistically KV-5 统计数据 表现良好。 - the shells penetrating destructable object will destroy it too (SS: so, like now, just that the tank behind it will get hit, the shell won’t get eaten) 炮弹穿过可摧毁物体后也会击毁可摧毁物体,所以,在掩体后面的车辆将会被击中,炮弹本身不会被吃掉。 - North-West map has really positive feedback, most players like it 西北地图从反馈来看,玩家都挺喜欢。 - gold shells for credits won’t be removed 银币买金币弹不会移除。 - for now the HEAT damage reduction is not planned 暂时没有计划去降低HEAT弹的伤害。 - there is no plan to implement XP gained by crewmembers into the post-battle statistics 不计划吧成员获得的经验显示在战后统计界面上。 - optional hulls will come in 2014 可选车体将在2014年来到。 - no plans for material gun barrels (SS: as in, gun barrels that don’t clip thru objects) 炮管不会实体化,这样的话,炮管就不会卡在物体里。 - no plans for other Maus gun changes 老鼠不计划在给另外的炮。 - there will be more varied gun sounds (no more 150m and 120mm sounding the same) 会有更多不同的炮声。 - M48 gun model will be fixed M48 炮模型,将会修复。 - T2 LT won’t get better MM than it has now T2 LT 不会有比现在更好的分房。 |