坦克世界8.10 开发人员透露不削福三炮
2013-11-16 16:47来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载分页|全文
patch 8.10 will not bring Foch 155 nerf 8.10不削福三炮。 - the question whether to allow crewman specialization retrain (SS: for example radioman to driver) is still being discussed, but likely it will happen 是否开通车组转职功能,毛子还在讨论这个问题,可以告诉你们,这个可能性很大。 - there will be no map filter (disabling the maps you don’t want to play): this idea was scrapped because of the server load 考虑到服务器负担,没有地图选择器,所以你不能把你不喜欢的地图给Ban掉。 - there will be an official “alliance” function in the Clanwars interface, it will be implemented next year (around the end of next year), it will incorporate common chat channel for alliance members, some bonuses on the map when passing your chips through allied territories 在领土战界面会有“联盟”这个功能,当然,这是明年的事情,你可以建立聊天频道和盟友联系,同时,让你的手上的兵力通过盟友领地时会有加成。 - earlier than the abovementioned alliance there will be a CW interface within the client 在“联盟”功能之前,毛子还会在客户端内搞一个领土战界面。 - there might be a “Japanese” map in patch 8.10, but it is not sure: it will be released for the te♂st server and whether or not it will make it to live server depends on the player feedback . If it doesn’t make it to the live server, it will be released for Chinese server only. It’s a mixed map (partially a town, partially a mountaineous-flat area) 8.10会有日本地图,但不保证一定会有。这张图会在测试服放出,如果玩家反馈情况良好,你们在正服就能玩上这张图 ——————如果没有在正服出现,国服也会有这张地图。剧透一下,这是张很~复~杂的地图哦(有城镇,有山地,有平原)。 - the reworked maps (Serene Coast, Swamp, Komarin) work fine according to devs 据毛子说被重做的那几张地图表现良好。 - Dragon’s Ridge is being reworked completely (it will be like a new map), but there is still a chance it will not appear ever again 香格里拉已经得到完全重置了,都成一张新地图了,不过有可能这图就彻底成WG的黑历史了。 - new perks and skills will come “when it’s done it’s done” 当然,会有新车组技能。 - there will be clan duels in 7/42 format, when the CW client interface is introduced 客户端里面有了领土战界面,当然,也会有军团7V7决斗的版面。 - new chat system will be the way it is now in WoWp (with some more additions), there will be a DND tag for players and it will be possible to write to a person who is in combat, all WG games will have unified chat (it will be possible to write from WoT to someone playing WoWp 新聊天系统和现在战姬世界用的类似————每个玩家都会有一个DND标签,这样,你就可以给正在游戏的玩家发信息————————最神奇的一点,3款WG游戏的聊天系统是联动的(一个正在玩WOT的玩家可以给正在打飞机的玩家发信息)。
- 第1页:坦克世界8.10 开发人员透露不削
- 第3页:坦克世界8.10 开发人员透露不削福三炮3
- 第2页:坦克世界8.10 开发人员透露不削福三炮2