坦克世界8.10 开发人员透露不削福三炮
2013-11-16 16:47来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载分页|全文
- there will likely not be any more modes for random battles 随机模式可能不会再有别的什么玩法了。 - Object 140 will get a turret armor buff (the closer to the mantlet, the thicker the armor will be) Object140炮塔要buff-----越靠近炮盾,装甲越厚。 - 2014 will be the “year of vehicle rebalance”. 2014年是车辆平衡之年。 - there will be a warning implemented for troll platoons that the vehicles don’t have compatible MM spread* 毛子增加组队警示功能,当组队玩家所用的车分房不同时——————比如开E-100组个Ms-1之类的,就会发出警告。 - +/-1 MM will most likely not appear 车子最多碰见比自己高(低)1级车的分房? 不可能。 - Chinese TD’s and arty will not come in 2014 2014年没有天朝TD和火炮。 - T-44-85 is being superte♂sted again, it recieved a shell pen buff T-44-85又进行了测试,它已经得到了穿深的Buff。 - historical battles will come in first half of 2014, it will be like random battles but with historical tech1 明年上半年就用历史模式,和随机模式类似,不过科技树是还原历史的。 - new tier 8 LT’s: they won’t come soon, first will come German RU251 apparently and Soviets, then the Americans 短时间不会有新8级LT,要出的话,最先是Ru-251和苏联LT,然后是美帝的。 - there will apparently not be a WTE100 nerf 很明显,不削WTE-100。 - third German TD branch is still being discussed, it’s still possible it won’t appear at all (SS: WTF?) 毛子在讨论德国TD3线,不过有可能根本就没有。
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