1114你问我答 未来英系线暂无平衡计划
2013-11-14 17:42来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
Not much today. As you might have already guessed (since it’s Wednesday and since I posted on the FTR FB about it earlier), there is a problem with the FTR QA. It’s almost certainly cancelled. The reasons for it have nothing to do with me or FTR, it’s an internal WG RU thing (yes, I know the real reason – I got told, but I will post it only if it becomes public knowledge, as it is internal WG info and I promised discretion). 今天的干货不多。也许你早已猜到了(自从周三和我之前在FTR FB上发的),现在的FTR QA(指的是毛服问答部分)有点问题。这个问题和我的FTR网站无关,问题出在欧服内部(我知道原因,我只会在大家都知道的情况下才会告诉大家,因为这是 WG的内部消息,而且我答应过保密), Right now, I am waiting (and hoping) we get to recieve the answers at least for FTR QA3, but it’s out of my hands. Just to be clear, I am grateful to all the WG staff for answering the previous questions, I know this stuff takes time and effort. I am also grateful for your patience, dear readers. Thank you all, it was fun while it lasted. 现在,我正在等(也希望)能收到之前问题的答案,但我不能保证。在这里声明一下,我十分感激wg的员工能回复我之前的问题,我也知道回复问题又费时又费力。我也很感激你们这些读者能坚持看下去。总而言之,感谢你们,到目前为止很有意思。 I have a contingency plan, but I am going to need a few days to figure the stuff out. For now, let’s wait and hope we get the last batch. 我有一个应急的计划,不过需要几天计划好。现在呢,希望能等到我们问的最后一批问题的回复。 - multigun mechanism and multiturret mechanism both have been shelved for very far future, because there is little need for them -多炮机制和多炮塔机制这两颗卫星已经飞的很远很远了,因为基本用不到这两颗卫星。 - SerB confirms that the AP and APCR (subcaliber) shells will soon penetrate destructable objects and will fly further with some loss of penetration -大SerB确认以后AP和APCR蛋蛋在穿过可击毁的障碍物(比如草垛)后会丧失一些穿透力并继续飞行。 - tier 7 and 9 tanks in CW’s or companies are not planned for now -目前没打算让7级车或9级车参加领土战的计划。 - no British rebalance is coming anytime soon -最近不会重新平衡女王系。 - apparently (SS: if I understand this correctly), making tank corpses (wrecks) penetrable (SS: as in, you hide your hull behind a corpse and a powerfull shell can – if the corpse is for example a light tank – penetrate it and hit you standing behind it) was scrapped -很明显(SS:如果我理解没错的话)白毛子已经放弃把尸体变成可击穿的治疗了。 - you will be able to add camouflage to roadwheels too in the HD client -在高端奢华上档次的高清客户端中你可以在负重轮上加涂装。 [编辑:nak]