1115你问我答 2张地图回炉英系新中坦线
2013-11-15 13:55来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
- there are many more tier 10 candidates for various nations 许多国家的10级车有了更多的候选车辆 - there are more paper plans for “supertanks” like Maus available 还有很多类似于鼠式的“超级坦克”的纸面计划 - according to SerB, trees (SS: coniferous) and bushes provide the same camo bonus SerB表示树木(柏树)和树丛提供的伪装加成是一样的 - WT E-100 has worse camo than Maus and E-100? “How terrible” WT E-100的隐蔽系数比鼠式和E-100都要烂?“How terrible” - the top of the upcoming British medium branch will be a British medium tier 10 tank (SS: while this might sound like a case for Captain Obvious, it is not, as a lot of people expected the Chieftain to appear there) 新的英国中坦线会以一辆10级车作为完结(也就是纯新线)(SS:尽管听上去很像是酋长会出现的感觉,而且有很多人期待酋长出现,但是它就不是酋长。) - apparently, the car models (destructable objects) in game do not necesserily correspond to real vehicles, it’s possible we will see more track object models in the future 轿车模型(可以被打烂的那些)出现在游戏内并不需要与真车相对应,未来我们也许可以看到更多的履带物体模型(履带车?) - Q: “I’d like the tiers of vehicles in both teams to mirror one another” A: “This thread is not called ‘my wishes’” 问:“我想让两边车辆的等级都是一一对应的”答:“这帖子不是许愿贴啊,我说。” - it’s possible Vickers MBT (Vijayanta) will appear in the upcoming British medium branch 维克斯主战坦克(维杰式坦克)也许会出现在新的英国中坦线内 - optional hulls will mean also different internal layout of modules for each hull (SS: for example later Panzer IV’s had more internal fuel tanks, so the – as an example – late Panzer IV hull will have more fuel tanks inside) 可选车身同时也意味着车身内部的模块摆放也会不同(SS:举个栗子,后期4号的内部油箱更多了,所以—作为一个栗子—后期的4号(可选车身)里面会有更多的油箱) - if you take a regular tank (not arty) and shoot in the sky straight up, sooner or later the shell will fall down again 如果你随便找辆车(不是火炮)并把炮弹向天空中垂直发射,这炮弹迟早都会落下来的 - tanks with M-65 gun (such as Object 770) will likely not appear in the game 用M-65炮的坦克(如770工程)估计不会出现在游戏内 - it’s possible IT-45 and IT-76 Soviet tank destroyers will appear in the game (SS: in case you don’t know, it was Basically a Soviet attempt to build a Hetzer – a cheap low turretless tank destroyer) 苏联的IT-45和IT-76会出现在游戏中(SS:科普下,这两辆车都是苏联试图制造一辆类似于追猎者的车辆的产物—低廉的无炮塔TD) - pre-production T-54 (1945-1946 pattern) doesn’t fit tier 8, it’s too strong for it 预生产版的T-54 (1945-1646年版)塞不进8级,它太强了 - it usually doesn’t make sense to actually report a teamkiller for teamdamage too, but in some special cases (undefined by what) additional reports are taken into account 把TK者举报为队友伤害一般来说是说不通的,但是在某些特殊情况下(并未指明是什么)也会把额外的举报次数考虑在内 - HEAT principle in game (mechanism) won’t be reworked 游戏内的HEAT原理(机制)不会重制 - Object 705A will not appear in the game, because if it was implemented, high tier battles would consist of 12 vs 12 these tanks (plus a few arties) 705A工程不会出现在游戏内,因为假如它被加入游戏了,高级战斗就会变成12个705A VS 12个705A(外加几个火炮)了 - it’s however possible that Object 705 (rear turret IS variant with 122mm BL-13) will appear 然而705工程(用122mm BL-13的炮塔后置型IS)会出现 - according to SerB, WoWp start was “normal” (SS: as in “fine”), apparently, Soviet planes are not underpowered SerB表示,战机世界的起步还算“正常”(SS:也就是“还好”),而且苏联飞机也不是很弱 And a few more answers from Storm: 以及Storm的一些回复 - Redshire and Highway won’t be removed from the game before they are reworked 斯特拉特服和高速公路这两张图在它们被重制之前都不会从游戏中移除 - anti-tank obstacles and more cover from debris will not return to Himmelsdorf 反坦克障碍以及由残骸(房屋的吧?)带来的掩体不会再加入到锡城里了 - lately, average shooting distance in the game has increased 最近,游戏里的平均开火距离增加了 - the Hunnicutt Archive purchase was apparently mediated by Nicholas “Chieftain” Moran 购买Hunnicutt的文献一事是由尼古拉斯·莫兰,也就是”Chieftain”来搭桥的 [编辑:nak]