1116你问我答 坦克世界新科技会参考文献
Just so you know, guys, I got told by WG RU that the annoying portal bug with switching languages will be fixed with the 8.10 patch, they developed the fix already but something (unspecified) prevents them from deploying it straight away. 跟你们说一下,WGRU的人跟我说那个官网语言BUG(欧服的,选择英文会出现一些德语+波兰语的BUG)会在8.10上线时一并修复,他们早就搞定了修复办法,但是有什么东西(此处并未指明) 阻止了他们直接把补丁搞上线。 - SerB will not publish how many players can RU server handle before it gets overloaded SerB不会公布毛服在服务器过载之前能承受多少数量的玩家的。 - Hunnicutt archive digitization: “when it’s done it’s done” Hunnicutt文献的数字化: “when it’s done it’s done”。 - the devs haven’t found any new tech usable for WoT there for now 开发团队暂时没有在(Hunnicutt的文献中)找到可以给WOT用的新科技(车辆)。 - price of the archive? “no comment” 你们花多少钱买的这些文献?“无可奉告”。 - T110E1 and T110E2 are also mentioned in Hunnicutt’s “Firepower” book, but there’s not much on them there T110E1和T110E2在Hunnicutt的“火力”一书中提到过,但是关于它们的信息并不多。 - according to some player, the devs promised to remove the “shift” (SS: the term used is “rising”, sorry I don’t know what it could be) of the arty aim circle when the tank they are aiming at disappears. SerB states this won’t be changed and they promised no such thing 根据某些玩家反映,开发团队曾经承诺过要移除在火炮瞄准时,对面坦克消失之后所带来的“移动”(SS:这里的原词是“升起”,抱歉,我不知道这到底是什么)。SerB表示这个现在不会做出改动,并且他们也没有承诺过这样的事情。 - apparently the suspension collision model will not be made more detailed in the future (SS: as in, currently the tracks are like one huge hitzone, they won’t be changed into segments), if I understand correctly 如果SS理解没错的话,悬挂模型不会在未来做的更加细致(SS:也就是说,现在的履带什么的都是一个巨大的Hitzone,他们不会被做成一小段一小段的)。 There was also (for a Japanese portal) an interview with V.Kislyi. Since I don’t speak Japanese and google translate produces… mixed results, I’ll ask a native speaker for further explanation. In the meanwhile, here’s what can be gleaned from it (via Russian source): 这里还有一篇日文的文章,是关于与V.Kislyi的会晤的。鉴于我不懂日语, 而Google的翻译又有点……烂,我会找一个母语是日语的人来解释这篇文章的。与此同时,以下是这篇文章中所收集到的一些信息(来源为毛子): - WoWp will appear in Asia during next Fall. There will be a short beta. 战机世界会在明年秋天在亚洲地区推出。会有一个短暂的Beta阶段。 - Japan and Korea both put main focus on cybersports in computer games 日本和韩国都把主要精力集中在电脑游戏的电竞方面。 - V.Kislyi likes Girls und Panzer and there are plans for a long cooperation, there are apparently plans for several seasons V.Kislyi喜欢少女与战车,而且也有计划要进行长期合作,现在已经有了好几季的合作方案。 - V.Kislyi likes to watch anime, he watched many movies from Studio Ghibli production V.Kislyi喜欢看动画,他看过很多吉卜力工作室的动画。 According to the data of Slava Makarov, this morning (around 8 AM) there were already two players with tier 10 aircraft in WoWp, winning the Russian “get to tier 10 first” competition. 根据Slava Makarov的数据来看,早上(大约8点)已经有两名玩家拿到了战机世界的10级飞机,获得了毛服的“先到10级”活动的奖励(第一名将会获得高级账户10年——译注)。 [编辑:nak]