1117你问我答 坦克世界8.10或12月中上线
- both iPad and Android versions are functional iPad和Android版本都会有的 - will come in 2014 2014年推出 just a quick update: Wargaming is continuing to test the roaming. Russian supertesters are roaming on EU1 server, using T-44-122 supertester-awarded tank. Current ETA on roaming is unknown. 其他的信息:WG还在测试漫游功能。毛服的超测员正在欧服1服漫游中,用这只有尊贵的VIP ,呸,超测员才有的T-44-122。目前漫游的引入时间还是个未知数。 according to the translation of recent Japanese interview with Viktor Kislyi, the ETA for patch 8.10 (that will bring the Japanese tanks) is mid December. That means the test server will start quite perhaps in a week or so. 根据与维克多老先生的日文采访的翻译,十有八九8.10会在12月中旬出。这意味着测试服用不了一两个星期就会开的。 More info from the interview: 更多从采访得来的信息: - going to “invest” a lot in E-Sports due to the competitive nature of the Korean market 准备向韩国的电子竞技行业大量投资,因为那里的环 境确实不错 - Japanese Teams for WoT competitions are pretty strong, due to (1) competitive (2) military fans (3) G&P 日本的参加WoT比赛的人实力也挺强的,因为: 1.竞争(好)力强(斗),2.都是军宅 ,3.少女与战车。 - F2P is the way of the future, V.Kislyi doesn’t want pay to win F2P是未来大势所趋,维克多不想向花钱才能赢的游戏看齐 - WoT, WoT:B, WoT 360, WoTG, and WoWP will be released to the Japanese market, but not as a separate server, the Japanese will play on current ASIA (former SEA) server 坦克世界、坦克世界:闪电战、坦克世界Xbox360版、坦克世界:将军和战机世界都会投入日本市场,但是不是像私服这样单独架设服务器,日本人们会在现在的亚服(原来的海服)玩。 [编辑:nak]