1113你问我答 新聊天地图坦克隆重登场
2013-11-13 16:15来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
- if you end up alone (for the purpose of getting Kolobanov’s medal) with another guy on your team who is AFK and did quit the battle (but his tank wasn’t destroyed yet), you won’t get the medal
这么说吧,如果你残局1V5胜利,但问题是,你们队还有1个挂机的或者掉线的,如果他没被摧毁,你就拿不了临危不惧。 - Fokker Dr.1 triplane is too old to appear in WoWp 福克式Dr1三翼飞机因为太古董,所以没有进入战姬世界的资格。 - there are enough tanks left for at least 3 years more SerB:我们有足够的资料,未来3年不愁没车用(实在不行,凭空YY一两个也没人知道)。 以下是Storm的Q&A时间: - the indestructable stairs at some houses will be fixed (with the introduction of HD client) 随着Havok的使用,某些房子的“无敌台阶”会被修正。 - Object 430 will NOT be unlockable from T-54 Object430不能从T-54点亮。 - tier 8 MM (the amount of battles tier 8 tanks get put together with tier 10) is okay 8级车分房很好,很棒。 - Storm confirms: Object 140 turret will recieve a buff! Storm:Obj140的炮塔要被Buff。 - Havok will come in 20144 i 2014年将有Havok物理特效,各位,做好换电脑的准备了么?? - customizable tank appearance does depend on the HD client introduction1 随着客户端画面的升级,自定义车体外观也将提上日程。 - there will be no free stuff during Object 430 introduction Object430就要出现了,别指望毛子送你们东西。 Obj430V2 Obj430 [编辑:nak]