坦克世界8.10 日系坦克树修正版配色透露
Helloeveryone, 嗨,小朋友们 well, this is surprising. According to Storm’s post onRussian forums: 好吧,来自Storm君的博客,令人吃惊的消息 the color ofJapanese tanks will be reworked. They will not be brown (although it’s possiblethey will appear brown on the Common Test), they will in the end be green likethis: 日本坦克的颜色将重做,不再是棕色的(尽管在测试的时候它们可能还是棕色),最终将会是这种绿: Daigensuicomments on this color: 某D是这样评论这种颜色的: “This is theSouthern Army alternative color, willow green, used to replace the olive greenfor the Northern Army camouflage. Due to its coloring over most of the parchedgrass primer base, it is considered the base color for IJA tanks in thePacific, according to some superficial people.” 这是一种南方军队的可选配色,willow green,柳树绿,用来取代北方军队的橄榄绿。根据一些人的说法,由于其着色在大多数干草底色上,所以一般被认为是在太平洋战场上的IJA坦克的底色 接下来是有关日系坦克树的消息(点击图片可以放大) 注意,这是旧版的图 andhere is the more recent correct version from Russian portal: 接下来是重点,来自毛子方面的消息,下图是最新版的日本坦克树
As you can see, there are some differences between them: 你可以发现,这两个图是有区别的 - some tanks have been renamed (eg. Chi Nu to Type 3 ChiNu, or STB1 to STB-1 for example) - 一些坦克被重命名了(比如说三式坦克改成了三“式”坦克,还有STB1改成STB-1) - Type 97 Te-Ke was removed and the remaining light tankswere shifted down a tier (Te-Ke is suspected to appear as low-tier premium orreward tank) - 97式Te-Ke坦克被去掉了,原来的3级lt(95式)则降级了(怀疑Te-Ke坦克变成低级金币车或者奖品车) - Chi-Ri lost its 88mm gun, it’s top gun will be 3 round75mm autoloaded gun - Chi-Ri⑤式坦克失去了88炮,顶级炮将会是75炮,自动装弹,弹夹内3发炮弹 - Type 61 and STA switched places, Type 61 is now tier 9(this is historically more accurate, as STA prototype was Type 61′spredecessor) - 61式和STA换了位子,61式现在是⑨级车(这更符合历史,因为STA原型车是61式的前身) Edit: they already fixed that, good :) 附:他们已经修复了这个错误,不错 【更多精彩资讯尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区】 [编辑:nak]