坦克世界8.10测试服 部分车辆改动调整
2013-12-12 09:52来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
Hello everyone, 大家嚎, I am NOT sure this list is full (or rather, I am sure it is not), but I will keep checking. 我不确定这个列表是车辆改动的完整版(或者说,我觉得它肯定不是完整版),但是我会一直盯着的 WZ-111 1-4: - both turrets have had their armor schematics changed (the latter only insignificantly, with slight shape change) 两个炮塔的装甲分布都进行了改动(后者的并不是很明显,形状也跟着变了一点) Chinese Chi-Ha: 中国的97式: - overall weight reduced by 20kg 总重减少20KG - traverse speed of both turrets nerfed from 44 (46) to 30 deg/s 两个炮塔的转速从44(46)°/秒砍到了30°/秒 - shell velocity of the 57mm Type 97 gun nerfed from 420 to 355, of the 47mm Gun Type 1 from 834 to 810 97式57毫米炮的炮弹速度从420下调到355,一式47毫米炮的弹药速度从834下调到810 - elevation nerfed for all guns from 21 to 20 所有炮的仰角从21°砍到20° - stock radio range nerfed from 400 to 350, middle radio nerfed from 550 to 425, top radio from 700 to 550, their tiers were reduced by 2 (6 to 4, 8 to 6, 10 to 8) 白板电台的距离从400砍到了350,中间电台从525砍到了425,顶级电台的距离从700砍到了550,它们的装备等级都下调了2(6→4,8→6,10→8) Chinese M5A1 中国的M5A1 - 47mm gun shell velocity slightly nerfed 47mm炮的炮弹速度稍稍调低了点 - 47mm gun weight slightly increased (by 51 kg) 47mm炮的重量稍稍上升了些(51kg) Lowe 狮式 - side armor upper part changed from 80mm to 100mm 侧面装甲上部的厚度从80mm调到100mm - ammo capacity changed from 40 to 80 载弹量从40发上升到80发 - depression/elevation changed from -6/+17 to -8/+38 俯/仰角从-6/+17上调到-8/+38 Maus 鼠式 - turret traverse speed changed from 14 to 16 deg/s 炮塔的转速从14°/秒上调到16°/秒 E50M - gun elevation slightly buffed 炮的仰角轻微的Buff了下 FV215b (183) - caliber of the gun nominally changed from 183mm to 182,9mm 炮的标注口径从183mm改为182.9mm - splash of HESH and HE shells slightly reduced from 5,06 to 5,05m HESH和HE的溅射范围由5.06米下调至5.05米 KV-1 - stock turret armor changed from 95/75/75 to 90/75/75 白板炮塔的装甲从95/75/75下调至90/75/75 IS - D-25T and D-2-5T ammo capacity increased from 26 to 28 shells D-25T和D-2-5T的载弹量从26发上调至28发 【更多精彩资讯尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区】 [编辑:nak]