WG官方的MM视频:How MM works 论分房
2013-12-12 09:51来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
视频源来自Youtube,字幕源为WG官方提供的字幕,时间轴出现偏差也是官方本身的问题。 视频@Wargaming NA 字幕@Wargaming NA 校对/后期/简化/润色/压制:xml Hello everyone, 大家嚎 well, for once, this is something noone else seems to have, if I see it correctly.The link above leads to the new Wargaming LJ blog (in Russian of course). How do I know it’s legit? Because Cannoneer (WG RU developer) sent me a link (so credits go to him). 呃,我没看错的话,这个是一篇独家的稿子。上述链接会把你链接到新的WG的LJ博客(当然,毛文的) 。我怎么知道这篇文章没问题的?因为Cannoneer(WG毛服的开发人员)发给我一个链接(所以还是要夸一下他的) So, you’ve seen the MM video, right? If you haven’t, you should, because this post refers to it. In order to repeat what was in the video though: 所以,你看过那个分房的视频了,是吧?如果你还没有,你应该去看一下,因为这个帖子和那篇文章的关系还是很大的。 - there is a possibility of the MM to create non-standard teams. The amount of such battles should not exceed 5 percent from the sum of all battles, but in concrete situatios this number can vary in accordance with the theory of probability. For example, if you played 10 battles with IS-3 in a row and in 3 of these battles you encountered a breach of the “first 5 slots” rule (tiers of top 5 vehicles were not equal), it’s not a MM error and it most likely won’t repeat itself in next 10 battles. MM是有可能会创造非标准的队伍的。这样的战斗的数量不应超过总战斗数量的5%,但是由于各种情况,这个数字的实际值可能会有偏差。举个栗子,如果你连续开了10场IS-3, 你所进入的其中三场战斗都没有遵守“5个顶级车”这个规则(分房最上面5辆车的等级需要保持一致),这并不是MM出现了问题,而且它在接下来的10场战斗中很有可能无法自我修复。 - the MM tries to align the team composition with the current state of queue, so that in cases, where the team composition is non-standard, the template for selection of tanks into teams can be significantly different from the default template (used when the server is started) (SS: if you remember the video, it is stated there that “weird” battles happen for example shortly after server restart, but in fact before the templates, based on the queue are formed, the server uses a “default” template for team building). Statistics of played battles does influence the default template from the first minutes and as soon as in 30 minutes, the template corresponds to the current composition of the queue and “keeps track” of the changes in it. For example, on the test server the queue might be filled with vehicles of one type the player joing the queue with and it’s possible to notice that there are more and more of these “popular” tanks and their waiting time gets lower and lower. MM会试图根据现在排队的状况来调整队伍的阵容,所以会有非标准队伍出现的情况,而且所选用的模板和默认的模板也很不一样(默认模板是服务器刚启动的时候的模板) (SS:如果你还记得那个视频的话,视频中表示“奇葩”的战斗都是在服务器刚重启之后发生的,但是这个是在MM创造自己的模板之前,基于排队状况而使用 “默认”模板来创建不同的队伍的)。过去的战斗的数据的确会从第一分钟就开始影响“默认”模板。直到第30分钟时,模板会与现在的队伍分配保持一致,并且 “持续监视”排队队伍的动向。举个栗子,在测试服上,排队的队伍有可能都被某种特定的车型塞满了,而且你有可能会注意到这些“热门”坦克的数量会越来越多 (指队伍当中的)而且他们(热门车辆的)等待时间也越来越短。 If the vehicle stands in queue for more than one minute, the matchmaker tries harder to push it into battle, reducing the team composition requirements. But there are 30 vehicles entering the battle (2 teams with 15 players), so even if you wait less than one minute, you can still get into the battle, in which the team is composed in order to push the long waiting player in. 如果一辆车在队列中等待时间超过1分钟,MM就会更加努力在降低双方队伍差距的需求时把它塞进一场战斗。但是每场战斗都是由30辆车组成的(2队,每队15人),所以就算你等待时间不超过1分钟,你也是可以参加那些由服务器组建而成的队伍以让那些等待时间过长的玩家也加入战斗。 There is one more reason for the appearance of non-standard teams: platoons. If the platoon consists of vehicles of one type (for example three tier 7 heavies), the MM easily picks a team for such a platoon. And if the platoon is a “trollplatoon” consisting of one tier 10 and one tier 2 tank? The MM can correctly handle even this situation, but the composition of both teams will likely be non-standard. And there is one more type of platoons, for which the MM can make non-standard teams: platoons that have artillery or scouts in them. These classes of vehicles have their own MM rules and platoons with them should not break the MM rules. 还有另外一个会造成非常规队伍出现的原因:组队。如果组队中只包含一种车辆(例如7级重坦),MM会很快的给这个组队挑选一个合适的队伍。如果组队是那种“大车带小车”,一辆10级车带一个2级车怎么办呢?MM也可以搞定这个问题,但是两队的队伍分配就有可能不是标准的队伍了。还有另外一种MM可以搞出一些非常规队伍的组队来,那就是火炮和侦察车。这些类别的车辆的MM规则是特有的,与他们组队应该不会破坏MM的规则。