2014-04-04 15:34来源:网络发布者:网络新手卡|游戏下载分页|全文
Test 9.0 – Round 3 is Live Posted on April 3, 2014bySilentstalker — 54 Comments ↓ Hello everyone, another round of Test 9.0 is live, if all goes well (!), should be the last one. 各位好,9.0测试服又一轮正式开始了,如果一切进展顺利,将会是最后一轮。 List of changes:变化列表 Issue with permanent disconnections from server on PCs with AMD processors fixed. 修复了AMD处理器的电脑一直断线的问题 Post effect issue affecting Sniper aim depending on type of additional mounted equipment fixed. 修复了狙击模式下后期特效产生的影响取决于安装的配件类型的问题 Option to disable Sniper aim post effect added. 添加禁用狙击模式下后期效果的选项 The following maps reworked for better lighting: “Mountain Pass”, “Mines”, “Erlenberg”, “Malinovka”, “Ensk”, “Ruinberg”, “Province”, “El Halluf”, “Sand River”, “Winter Himmelsdorf”, “Serene Coast”, “South Coast”, “Highway”, “Northwest”, “Live Oaks”. 以下地图为了更好的光照效果而重做:“胜利之门”,“湖边的角逐”,“埃勒斯堡”,“马利诺夫卡”,“安斯克”,“鲁别克”,“坎帕尼亚”,“埃尔哈罗夫”,“荒漠小镇”,“冬季锡城”,“寂静海岸”,“雅尔塔小镇”,“洲际公路”,“西部小镇”,“里夫奥克斯” Certain bugs and defects in Premium and Non-Premium Garages fixed. 修复高级车体和普通车库某些bug和缺陷 Camera displacement in Exterior window fixed. 修正了外部窗口下视角移位的问题 Lamp blinking in Premium Garage fixed. 修复了高级车库内灯光闪烁的问题 Issue with camera clinging to lamp in Premium Garage fixed. 修复了高级车库中视角紧贴灯泡的问题 Issue with tracks of certain French vehicles being too dark fixed. 修复了部分法系车履带颜色太淡的问题 Т-34-85 and Centurion 7/1 vehicles reworked for better quality. (HD Models) Т-34-85 和Centurion 7/1 重做为HD模型 Bugs and defects in the following updated vehicles fixed: Т-54, Tiger, Panther, Maus, M103, Hellcat, M4 Sherman, and Tortoise. 修正以下更新车辆的bug和缺陷: Т-54, 虎式, 黑豹, Maus, M103, 地狱猫, M4 谢尔曼, and 土龟. Bugs and defects of the following damaged vehicles fixed: Т-54, М103, and Tortoise. 修正以下车辆伤害模型的bug和缺陷:Т-54, М103, and Tortoise. Certain game client crashes fixed. 修复了部分游戏客户端崩溃的问题
- 第1页:9.0测试服第三次测试更新列表
- 第2页:坦克世界测试服第三次测试更新列表