

2015-01-06 23:43来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载

  a bunch of small things, that happened on the supertest. First and foremost, some Russian leaker webs started showing the pictures of premium Tiger L/56 again. You might remember that this vehicle was leaked some time ago. It’s basically nothing else than premium Tiger I with 88mm L/56 (with identical model and characteristics to the non-premium one) as a premium vehicle. This vehicle however apparently was just an experiment to figure the suitability of the tank for eventual future release. As far as I know, its release is not planned.

  一些发生在超测服的小的资讯,第一个,毛子的一个经常出现超测服信息的网站又一次贴出了Tiger L/56的图了,也许你还记得这些图一段时间前出现过。基本上就是把游戏里常规的喵式把炮换成了 88mm L/56 然后做成了金币车 (完全相同的模型和属性)。 但是目前这车只是一个为最终放出而做的实验,就我所知,这辆车与大家见面还没有计划

  M4 Improved was changed yet again, this time it was nerfed – reload time went up from 3,644s to 3,836s, reducing the DPM from 1811,3 to 1720,7.

  M4 升级版的数据又一次被改动了, 不过这次是被砍了,上弹时间从3.644秒增加到3.836秒,DPM从1811.3减到了1720.7

  And, finally, AMX Chasseur de Chars, upcoming French tier 8, was seen in supertester hands in random battles lately. It’s possible this vehicle will be introduced in patch 9.6 along with Japanese tier 8 medium, STA-2 – not certain though.

  最后关于AMX Chasseur de Chars的消息(话说这玩意是不是已经开始被kdw开卖了?)马上要来的法系8级坦克,最近出现在超测服的随即战斗中。这辆车可能和本子的8级中坦STA-2在9.6一起引入,但还不是很确定。

上一篇:12月24日你问我答 Big World导入将推迟 下一篇:12月26日你问我答 M系低级TD和火炮将会替换


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

