5月17日问答 奇怪的跳弹竟然是数据优化
2015-05-26 22:49来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
– it’s possible that in 0.9.8 test, HD IS-3 BL-9 gun is too short, Storm will investigate 0.9.8测试中的高清IS-3的BL-9炮可能太短了,Storm会去调查这个问题。 – Storm statest that weird ricochets like this are fine and intentional: in order to optimize game data transfer, the ricochet graphics effect will display the shell flying off to random direction. It’s an “optimization in order not to waste data transfer on useless data” Storm表示说类似于这样的奇怪的跳弹是正常并且是有意做出来的:为了优化游戏数据的传输,跳弹的效果会显示成炮弹往随机一个方向飞的效果。这个是“为了不让传输的数据中夹杂着垃圾数据的优化” – it’s too early to disclose any details on the upcoming penetration nerf, developers are still experimenting 现在要公布之后那一次穿深削弱的任何消息还是太早了,开发团队依然还在试验中 – Storm blames the violent community reaction on the supertest penetration leaks on Youtubers: “because they did spread it everywhere” Storm把这次社群中对于超测服泄露出来的穿深几乎要暴动的行为归结到了Youtube的视频作者上:“是他们到处说这事的” – Storm considers supertest “very useful” Storm认为超测是“很有用的” – VK4502A MG weakspot on front hull will be fixed when the vehicle appears in HD VK4502A正面车身上的那个机枪孔的弱点会在这辆车高清化的时候被修复掉 – WG is researching the ghost shell issue in 0.9.7 – “we already dissected all the replays to molecules” WG正在研究0.9.7中出现的鬼弹问题了—“我们已经把所有的录像都剁碎了研究了” – changes to hangar (tank selection carousel) are still planned (“in development queue”) 对车库的改动(坦克选择的轮选)依然还在计划中(“在开发的队列中”) [编辑:不详]