

  "HD tank models are difficult to produce. They have to be realistic. They get fixed many times over, they get reworked and switched many times between the outsourcer and the customer. HD houses and stones are simplier to model by several orders of magnitude. I think that they will come faster."


  - Jagdtiger 88 and Tiger II are both already being reworked to HD;


  - Developers wanted to make the HD models realistic from the very start but Storm admits it might have been easier to do them from the start;


  - HD T34 is also being developed;


  - Developers do not plan to switch Bigworld to another engine, they plan to develop it further;


  - "Almost nothing is left" of the original Bigworld graphics engine, everything was reworked and improved;


  - New modes, improved matchmaker, artillery rebalance and new features - Storm: "Three things of this list are being worked on right now";


  - There "is now way back" when it comes to HD models, developers cannot leave one half with low quality;


  - Storm on why Xbox One WoT will have 400 HD tanks straight away: "The content requirements there are lower and their tanks will have lower quality than our HD tanks. They reworked the tanks to HD regardless of historical references, they simply added more polygons to existing models. We are reworking them by completely reassembling the reference pack for each vehicle. Maybe our variant is not the right one but it is what it is."

  Storm解释为啥XBOX ONE版的WOT一开始就有400个高清模型:XBOX版对于版本内容的要求更低,坦克的画质也不如PC端的高清模型。他们(XBOX WOT开发组)在给高清模型建模的时候基本无视历史资料,只是简单的在现有模型上增加多边形;而我们则是用历史数据一点点还原坦克。也许我们的方式未必正确,但既然都这样干了,接着干下去也无妨。

  - T-54 turret will not be reworked further;


  - There are plans to rework the T-54 HD model because it seems to be inferior to other HD models in quality;


  - Storm states that whether to rework everything at once or to spread content over multiple patches is one of the most complicated questions;


  - Storm states that multiturret mechanism is mostly pointless as usually it is so that one turret has a powerful gun and the rest has some peashooters and Storm doesn't know what good they are for anyway. Multiturret mechanism is overrated according to him but it will be implemented at some point in the future nonetheless.


  - WG has "many ideas" about perk and skill rework, including a complete crew system overhaul;


  - Storm is playing a lot of internal testing sessions, he has little time to play random battles;


  - Storm agrees that the current situation is that bloggers and videomakers are agitating their readers into pointlessly attacking Wargaming and its employees. Storm: "WG accepts criticism normally - but criticism, not shit throwing";


  - Storm on why is is sometimes vulgar to players: "you get the same answers as the questions you ask";

  Storm解释为啥他有时会对玩家爆粗口:你用问我的问题问你自己 你也会发火

  - There are no "bonuses" (in RNG or elsewhere) in the game for experienced players.


  - Storm confirms that WG is working both on new graphics and MM improvement;


上一篇:Storm QA KV5作战效能位于同级车靠前 下一篇:YuriPasholok的QA:日系10级重坦2605型


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

