Storm QA KV5作战效能位于同级车靠前
2015-06-29 23:45来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
- According to Storm the known Russian videomaker Murazor is "producing crap as usual" (Murazor made a video where he criticized WG for not implementing the Xbox One graphics to the PC version of WoT); 按Storm的话说,毛服出视频的Murazor还是在一如既往的出垃圾玩意儿(Murazor做了个视频,说WG不给电脑端的WOT像XBOX One端那样的高画质,就把他们批判了一番) - Storm "does not promise" significant graphic improvements in WoT this year: "we are focused on something else"; Storm“不保证”今年会对游戏画面进行大幅提升:我们关注的是其他方面 - Storm does not remember discussing the option to use the same crew for 2-3 tanks, it is not planned; Storm可没有考虑过讨论“同一套车组可以不经训练在2-3辆坦克上使用”的问题,没这计划 - Havok: "when it's done it's done"; Havok?做好就有 - IS-3 is more popular than KV-1 on RU server; 在毛服上IS-3比KV-1要更受欢迎 - It's possible that KV-1 in HD will come this year; 高清版的KV-1今年可能就有 - Storm cannot estimate how realistic would it be to export the Xbox One client to 64bit Windows; Storm不好估计把XBOX ONE端的WOT移植到64位WINDOWS系统上的可能性有多大 - KV-5 buff? Storm states that he saw its statistics half a year ago and he doubts anything changed since then. If it was buffed, it would be imbalanced. 加强KV-5?Storm称他在半年前就发现这车的数据还不错,现在依旧理想。加强它就会破坏平衡了 - KV-5 is doing fine statistically and is in top one third in effectiveness on its tier; 从数据上砍KV5得表现不错,作战效能排名位于同级车中的前1/3 - Currently, KV-5 is not imbalanced, it is "seriously the same as other premiums"; 目前来看KV-5并不OP,“和其他金币车表现基本一致” - Storm is not happy that "unfortunately many people spend time corellating Wargaming promises and failures: it's a Big Office problem"; “很遗憾,很多人花时间八卦WG的卫星和失误,将其归咎于大公司的官僚作风。”Storm对此表 示不满。 - According to Storm, PC World of Tanks will have better graphics than Xbox One version and it will not take forever; Storm称PC端的WOT画质“有朝一日”会比XBOX ONE端的好的 - Storm is looking forward to Fallout 4; Storm很是期待辐射4 - Q: "When do you plan to switch IS-6?" A: "Why switch it?"; Q:你们啥时候换掉IS-6? A:为啥要换? [编辑:不详]