9.10版本T110E5装甲改动 炮盾惨遭削弱
2015-08-17 22:48来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
llo Warriors, 大家好, these are the T110E5 armor changes: T110E5的改动如下: ![]() – LFP was nerfed from 230-250mm to 150-160mm with a smaller 220mm part; 正面首下从230~250mm砍到了150~180mm,220mm现在只占据很小的一部分 – The connection between LFP and UFP became thicker (440+ mm); 首下和首上的连接处变厚了(440+mm) – The armor of the UFP is roughly the same; 首上装甲基本没变 – Miniturret (“tumor”) was buffed from 195mm to 205mm; 小炮塔(脑袋上那个“瘤子”)从195mmBuff到了205mm – The turret front itself got buffed to roughly 300mm; 炮塔本身Buff到了300mm左右 – The mantlet was slightly nerfed (from 660mm to 570mm at thickest part, the central part was nerfed from 315 to 295mm). 炮盾被稍微砍了下(最厚的地方从660mm砍到了570mm,中心部分从315mm砍到了295mm) [编辑:不详]