9.10版本模型变动 59式正面装甲普遍增强
2015-08-17 22:48来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Hello Warriors, 大家好, These are the armor changes for the Type 59 armor: 以下是59式的装甲改动 ![]() The armor was overall slightly improved in the front but not too much (5-20mm on some spots). The turret got reworked to more detail and some parts are now 300+mm thick. 正面装甲整体来看有增强,但是幅度不是很大(部分地方厚了大概5~20mm)。炮塔重制之后细节更多了,现在部分区域的厚度达到了300mm以上 ![]() Apart from the screwed model of the gun, the commander cupola armor is the same but given the shape of how it looks, it was actually nerfed from cca 170mm effective to 145mm effective from the front. 除了主炮模型又又又又飞出来了以外,车长观察塔的装甲应该是没变化的。但是从外观上来看的话观察塔正面的等效厚度是从大约170mm砍到了145mm左右 ![]() 主炮模型: ![]() [编辑:不详]