9.10版本装甲变动 猎虎炮盾外侧小幅削弱
2015-08-17 22:48来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Hello Warriors, 大家嚎, This are the 9.10 armor changes for the Jagdtiger: 猎虎在9.10里面也被改动了装甲 ![]() Despite the color changes, the armor remains practically the same. The only serious change is the mantlet and the armor behind it. The old Jagdtiger had 240+100mm (inside mantlet part) and 100+250mm (outer part), the new one has 240+80mm (small inner part) and 100mm+150mm (outer part). Overall it’s a nerf but not a big one. 尽管颜色上有改动,但是大部分装甲还是差不多的。唯一的重大改动就是炮盾,以及炮盾后面的装甲区。老的猎虎是240+100mm(在炮盾里侧)以及100+250(炮盾外侧),新的只有240+80mm(内圈小了),以及100+150(外侧)。总之还是被砍,但是不是很严重。 [编辑:不详]