科隆展官方问答 捷克线将于9.12版本推出
2015-08-17 22:48来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
– Czechoslovakia will come in 9.12 along with Czechoslovak-themed map (by the end of the year); 捷克斯洛伐克线在0.9.12推出,到时候还会有一张捷克主题的地图(年末出) – Czechoslovak T 40 will come in 9.11; 捷克斯洛伐克的T 40会在9.11推出 – Some more premium tanks will be removed from sales; 部分金币车会被下架 – One more nation will appear in 2016 (RG: Sweden); 2016年出现一个新的国家(RG:瑞典) – It’s too early to speak about PvE mode in WoT, WG is testing different variants; 现在要说WOT内的PVE模式还为时过早,WG还在测试各种版本 – Japanese have so few premium tanks because they didn’t produce that many tanks to begin with; 日本金币车很少的原因是他们本来就没造过太多的坦克 – More premium tanks will be added in the future but not so many as in this year; 未来会有更多的金币车,但是不会像今年这么多 – Clan chat might be added to WoT Assistant but the idea requires research; 手机版的WOT助手中有可能会加入军团的聊天,但是这个想法需要一定的研究 – WG is working on Dx11/Dx12 support and multicore support but at this moment no exact ETA is known; WG在搞Dx11和Dx12的支持,以及多核支持。但是现在还不知道什么时候能弄出来 – It’s possible that new crew skills and perks will appear, WG considered a whole scale of solutions including total skill overhaul but the final decision was not taken yet; 有可能会出现新的特长和技能。WG考虑过一大堆的解决办法,包括把所有技能彻底重制。但是现在还没有下最终的决定。 – New vehicle classes will not appear in WoT; WOT中不会有新的车型了 – Multiturret and multigun mechanisms for WoT were completely scrapped; WOT彻底放弃了多炮塔机制以及多炮管机制(译注:请看底部) – Developers are considering adding smoke grenades (shells) to WoT but this requires a lot of further development; 开发团队正在考虑要给WOT加入烟幕弹,但是这需要进一步的开发 – It’s possible Japanese and Chinese TD’s will appear in the game but not anytime soon; 日本和中国的TD有可能会出现在游戏中,但是近期是没戏了 – Developers are working on HAVOK but given the issues with performance there is no ETA yet. 开发团队在搞HAVOK,但是鉴于性能方面有问题,现在不知道什么时候能做好 Apart from Storm stating that multiturret mechanism was not completely scrapped but just postponed for far future Storm表示多炮塔机制并没有被完全放弃,只是推到了以后再做 [编辑:不详]