1001你问我答 美国系新二线中坦涡轮豹
- SerB says that if you see tank corpses rotate like 10-15 degrees after their destruction, it’s probably desynchronisation of client SerB说,如果你看到坦克的尸体在爆炸后旋转大概10到15度,这可能是客户端不同步引起的 - SerB also confirms that last month’s massive events (like the possibility to get a lot of gold per day) did have an effect on WG economy – if good or bad remains to be seen SerB同时表示,上个月的大型活动(比如可能在一天内获得大量金币之类的 #没我大私服的事情)确实影响到了WG的营收,不过是正面还是负面影响还有待观察 - “Jagdchieftain” (CTR) in WoT? “No comment” “酋长反坦克歼击车(CTR)”会引入游戏吗? 无可奉告。 - blindshots (you accidentally hit someone who was not spotted in the bushes for example) count as if the shooter spotted the enemy himself, you get full XP/credit for it 盲射(击中没有被点亮的敌人)被视作攻击者自己点亮了敌人(#自点自打),会获得全部的经验和银币收益 - the Japanese tree got reworked: Type 97 Te-Ke got thrown out and the Chi-Ri lost the 88mm gun (SS: just like Daigensui predicted) 日本线发生了一些变化,97式Te-Ke被移除,Chi-Ri失去了88炮(正如代根岁所预言的那样 #见前几天的情报番外篇 - SerB confirms that the Chinese tree is generally not very popular SerB确认中国线玩的人不是太多 - SerB thinks that 20 percent of all players will hide their statistics – they will be spread roughly equally when it comes to skill with a bit more good players hiding their stats, because they read the news and forums SerB估计大概20%的玩家会隐藏他们的战绩——一开始,它们会在所有水平的玩家中大致平均地分布,高玩会相对多一点,因为他们每天看情报组,知道有这回事 #也就是讲,隐藏战绩的选项默认是关闭的 - it’s possible that the E-50 will move to tier 10 and will be replaced by a “Turbopanther” with two optional hulls (SS: a GT101 gas turbine Panther probably) 可能E-50会被丢到10级(#和E-50M合并),9级以“涡轮豹”代替,有两个可选车体(SS:可能是使用GT101燃气涡轮发动机的黑豹) #新一代的高效打火机? - both the regular movement stopping (you move forward and press the S key) and the stop-to-shoot (spacebar) stop the vehicle with the same speed 正常的刹车(向前移动时按下后退键)和短停射击(空格键)的刹车速度是一样的 1x1km 即将加入的一大波城市地图的大小都不会超过1000x1000 - Americans will get a second medium branch (SS: not counting the T57 one). It might start from the Chaffee, but that is not guaranteed. It has undergone changes in the past, but according to SerB, players will like it. 美国将会加入第二条中坦线(SS:T57那条不算),可能从霞飞开始,不过不保证。这条线过去曾经多番改动,不过SerB认为玩家们会喜欢它的。 #M41沃克猛犬肯定是其中一辆了,另外联系前几天的QA,我押100金,顶级车是T95中型坦克(谁再提铁王八我跟他急) [编辑:nak]