8.10版本更新内容摘要 炮塔会被炸飞!
- Japanese medium tanks will have good mobility, good depression, good guns but poor armor R 系 MT 都有好的俯角、机动、炮、但装甲可怜(薄) - all Japanese tanks are based on real life vehicles, built either in series, or as prototypes 所有的J系车都是以现实中的车辆为基础,或许是同一系列,或者是原型车。 - the developers started developing Historical battles already, Japanese will be there too 历史战已在开发中,J系也会参加 - Karelia was reworked, it is more flat now, added more cover in the middle and changed the camping spots 卡累利阿(老张更正:卡累利阿)返工重做,现在更平坦了,中间添加更多的遮掩物。 - Mines were somewhat reworked, especially a part of the rock near the village: 湖边的角逐(老张更正:湖边的角逐)一些地方也重做,特别是在村庄附近的一部分岩石 |