坦克世界8.11视野机制变动 或砍TD隐蔽
Hello everyone, 大家好, Storm recently made a post about the 8.11 FOV, asking players, how do they like it on test 2. I took two screenies to compare (although on my resolution – 1440 * 990 – it is not that much noticeable, you can see the FOV got a bit limited). Storm最近发了关于8.11的视野的一贴,其中他在问这些玩家,他们到底喜不喜欢二测上视野的样子。我弄了两张截图来作为对比(尽管在我的分辨率上—1440*990—好像看不出来什么,但是你还是可以发觉视野被限制了一些) Live server: 正式服: Test server: 测试服: As far as I can tell, the camera was moved a bit to the front and the field of view is narrower. From the discussion: 就我现在看来,摄像机的位置被提前了一些,视野也变窄了。以下为讨论区的内容: - new 8.11 FOV is 90 degrees 8.11的新视野角度是90° - the old 8.11 FOV was actually different for each resolution 老的8.11的视野在不同的分辨率下其实是不一样的 - during this week it will be decided whether 9.0 will bring TD camo nerf (SS: or rather, loss of camo bonus when shooting a gun) or not 这个礼拜就会决定9.0究竟要不要砍TD们的隐蔽(SS:或者说是不是要砍掉TD们在开炮时的隐蔽惩罚补正) - Storm states it’s normal for you to wait in a queue despite the queue being full of vehicles of your tier, according to MM rules you are supposed to end up in some cases on the bottom of the team, so for example if you wait in a tier 8 tank for a long time despite the queue being full of other tier 8′s, it’s because you are waiting for tier 9 and 10′s too Storm表示如果你在队列中发现很多和你同级的车,但是你又在等待进入一场战斗的情况是很正常的,根据MM规则来说,你有时候应该会被分去垫底。举个栗子吧,尽管队列中有许多8级车,但是你开8级车的时候依然还在等待的原因是你在等一些9级和10级车出现在队列中 - apparently, the feedback towards the new T-54 and the new FOV was overwhelmingly negative on RU server 据说在俄服上关于新T-54以及新的视野的评价几乎是一边倒的吐槽 - +/-1 MM will definitely not come, “the game would become not interesting” 不会有±1分房的,因为“这样游戏就没意思了” [编辑:路牙]