1120你问我答 苏系140工程炮塔将被修改
2013-11-20 10:09来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
- SerB states that WG is using outsourcing when it comes to WoT, but they outsource entire offices, not individual people, as it was proven that the individuals cannot work with required speed and quality - 大Serb承认WG在做坦克世界的时候有外包,但他们直接外包给工作室,而不是给单独的人,因为个人被证明无法同时保证工作的质量和速度。 - client physics (Havok) will be implemented into WoWp - 客户端物理引擎(Havok)将会被用在战机世界。 - while some houses in the future will be destructible, some houses (SS: for example the Himmelsdorf streets) will stay indestructible - 以后,一些房子将能被摧毁,但是一些房子依然坚挺(SS:比如锡城的街道)。 - despite what was said in some news, World of Tanks: Blitz server part will work on a slightly re-worked Bigworld, not Unity engine (so there will be no cheaters, hackers etc.), SerB doesn’t know what exactly the client engine is, but he states there will be no cheating - 尽管之前有资讯说到过,坦克世界:闪电战 的服务器部分将会基于轻度重做版的Bigworld引擎,而不是Unity(这样不会有作弊啊,黑客啊什么的),大SerB也不知道客户端到底用什么引擎,但他承诺不会有作弊发生。 Some additional answers from Storm’s developer blog: 一些来自Storm君博客的附加回答。 - there will be no separate “HD client”, everything will be done within one client - 不会有单独的HD客户端,所有东西都做好了就会集成在一个客户端里。 - the minimal terrain settings in WoT apparently strongly add performance on really bad computers - 最小化地形的设置能显著提升坦克世界在很烂的电脑上的表现。 that when it is enabled, it’s possible the visual terrain won’t correspond to the real terrain model (SS: the issue is that on minimal settings, the engine doesn’t render some of the smaller hills on the ground, which improves performance, but it can cause you to shoot into small hills you don’t see) - 有可能出现的情况是,当你开启最小化地形选项的时候,会出现一个很大的红色警告,然后可能会导致你看到的地形和实际地形不一样(SS:当你开这一项之后,引擎将不会渲染地上的一些小山包,这样能提升小霸王的表现,但是这样会导致你一炮撸到一个你看不到的山包上, - the Object 140 turret armor in 8.10 will be more like the one of T-62A - 在8.10版里,140工程的炮塔装甲将更像T-62A。 - tank tipping over (on their roof) will come in near-to-medium future - 不久以后你们就能看到坦克翻车了!!对,底朝天!! - there will be new achievements for random battles - 随机战场将会有新的成就。 [编辑:nak]