
1204你问我答 8.10版将引入可击穿物件

1.坦克世界8.10测试服 将会在12月5日开启
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4.坦克世界8.10更新内容 苏系9、10级新车

  An interesting thing. SerB and Storm pretty much stoppedanswering (busy I guess), there’s a new developer guy in the thread though(nickname Yurko2F) – his answers are less funny, but quite technical anddetailed. Will try to capture it properly. Also, this guy seems to answerwhining politely. He will learn…

  一件有趣的事。大 SerB和Storm君忙的几乎没时间回答玩家们的问题了,所以QA的工作就交给一个开发部的一个昵称叫Yurko2F新人,他的回答不像前两位那么有趣,但是很有技术性,提供了很多细节内容,努力使回复更加无懈可击。但是他的回答看上去像有些缺乏耐心的牢骚。新人嘛,还在学习适应中。

  -the “tent” in the base (the boxes and whatnot) will also be penetrable in 8.10– it will change the base capture dynamics

  - 基地里的“帐篷”(箱子一类的杂物)在8.10版里也能被击穿,这会改变占领基地的机制。

  -the camo-net camo bonus applies even when you shoot a gun: when shooting, youare harder to spot with camo net than without it

  - 伪装网在你开火的时候依然能提供伪装加成,开火时,装了伪装网比没装更难被发现。

  -Q:“T2 LT entering tier 4 battles?”

  A:“It deserves it considering its complex characteristics”

  - Q:T2 LT能进4级房?


  - currently (althoughwith low priority) the developers are considering making order in the armordisplay method in WoT (SS: in their characteristics, some tanks display thearmor thickness of its thickest point, such as the KV-220 frontal turret, sometanks display the thickness of the biggest part of armor).

  - 目前开发者正在考虑改变装甲厚度的显示方式,尽管这一计划优先级很低(SS:在这个计划里,一些坦克将显示其装甲上最厚的一个部分,举个栗子,KV-220的前装甲,但是有些坦克将显示其绝大部分装甲面积的厚度)。

  - This will not change the armorthickness, only displayed data. This has low priority, because what is writtenon the characteristics sheet of a tank has no influence on its performance

  - 这不会改变实际装甲厚度,只是变了显示数据。

  - whenpenetrable objects are introduced in 8.10, when for example the enemy tankstands behind such an object and you know it’s there, but its silhouettedoesn’t light up because there is a penetrable wall between you and him, thetrajectory will be calculated with the wall as its target, not the tank (SS:important to aim higher then), even though you get to penetrate the targetbehind the wall

  - 当8.10版引入了可穿透物件之后,举个栗子,当一个敌方坦克站在一个可穿透物件后面同时你知道这是可击穿的,(但当你瞄准到时候,)敌方的轮廓不会亮出来,因为你和他之间有一个可击穿的墙,计算炮弹轨迹的时候,你的目标是墙而不是敌方坦克,(SS:试着瞄准的更高一些,论爆头的重要性),即使你打穿墙之后也打穿了后面的坦克。

  - itwill be possible to penetrate several penetrable objects in a row, but thepenetration losses do add up: one shell penetrating 4 cars will lose 4x25mm =100mm

  - 有可能一炮打穿一排可击穿物件,但是穿深衰减将会累加:举个栗子,一炮打穿4辆车将损失4x25mm = 100mm 的穿深。

  - penetrating therailway wagons (SS: for example on Port map) will also be introduced, but“significantly later”, not in 8.10


  Yurko2F on premium tanks (when asked, if premium tanks are inferior to regular tanks,whether it actually damages one team to have more of them than the other):


  “Premiumvehicles are only a little bit worse than their regular counterparts,especially since there is almost always a nice crew sitting in the premiumtanks, they are stuffed with equipment, visual camo etc. Furthermore, theplayers spend many battles using them and they learn to master these vehicles.


  -That’s why we can assume that the worse tank parameters are compensated by theskill and experience of the player. And the difference between premium andregular tanks is so small that it is more than enough to fit into the allowed10 percent difference between team MM weights. The players decide, not tanks.”


  -when a penetrable object is hit, visually nothing will change: it will stillget destroyed like now, only the AP shell will fly further on, its damage isNOT reduced

  - 当可击穿物件被打中时,视觉上没有任何变化,还是现在被摧毁的样子,只有AP蛋能继续飞行,不会有伤害上的损失。

  -each buff/nerf decision is taken individually, with all the tank aspects takeninto account (SS: as in, there is no “certain winrate = nerf” template for alltanks), details of this process will not be disclosed

  - 每一个加强和削弱的决定都是独立的,这个决定考虑了这个车的一切方面(SS:举个栗子,对所有坦克来说,并没有所谓的“胜率达到一定值就要砍”的说法),但是这个(加强/削弱)过程的细节不会告诉你们的。

  - Russian player whining about premium tanks too weak:

  “Don’twhine please, that’s your personal opinion, you are certainly free to have it, but can’t you express it withless emotion in another thread?”

  - 俄罗斯玩家抱怨金币坦克太弱了



上一篇:1202你问我答 台湾坦克青天白日被和谐 下一篇:1205你问我答 明年坦克世界鸭子将被加强


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

