1205你问我答 明年坦克世界鸭子将被加强
there are no plans for PvE gameplay in WoT for now 目前没有PVE模式。 - there are no plans to export the game mechanism (the server part) to the client (making the game playable without internet) 啊,据说你们想把游戏机制从服务器导出到客户端上面,这样你们就可以玩单机版了————————抱歉,我们没有这样的计划哦。 - all the gun penetrations visible in game are rated at 100 meters, penetration does not increase at distances between 0 and 100 meters! 嗯,所有炮弹穿深都是每100M为单位变化的,每段距离内的穿深是不会有变化的(0M和100M的穿深一样,但100M和101M的穿深不同)。 - when you log on to once server (EU1 for example), then in the garage relog to (for example) EU2 and the game crashes, the relog will again be to EU1. This will not be fixed. 当你在A服务器登陆后,然后在车库里转移到B服务器(通过组队,联队什么的)之后,假如你掉线了,重新登录的时候,系统会自动连接A服务器。 ————这没有修正的必要。 - developers have not yet decided whether the penetration loss for AP shells when hitting penetrable objects (walls etc.) will be different from the APCR shell penetration loss in the future: a" 毛子还没考虑好是否Ap和Apcr在穿透障碍时,会有相同的穿深衰减程度。 - automatic ballistics adjustment (SS: as in, you aim somewhere and the gun adjusts so that the shell reaches the point where you are aiming) is calculated server-side, not client-side 弹道自动校正系统在服务器计算弹道的,不在客户端。 - premium vehicles are selected for implementation based on the fact they are available for such a role 某些车之所以能成为金币车,是因为毛子觉得它可以胜任这个位置。 - also, Storm gathered feedback on unpopular tanks from this thread (Russian ofc), so we might eventually see some changes there (why would he be asking otherwise, right?) 对了,Storm收集了一些玩家对于某些冷门车(包括A-20,M3李,A-44,Su-100M1,Su-101,M7,Amx-40,T21,T7)的反馈意见,目测这些车会得到亲爹的加护(鸭子该不会涂成红色,然后头上加个角,速度翻3倍吧)。 And info from Overlord: - official Girls und Panzer mod will definitely not come before the Japanese tanks 嘛,至少在日系车出来之前是没有啥《少女与战车》的官方Mod。 【更多精彩资讯尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区】 [编辑:nak]