0211你问我答 可选车身计划和悬挂系统绑定
2014-02-11 11:17来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
As I wrote on the Facebook, I am currently ill, so I apologize if the translation is worse than usual, did my best. 正如我在FB上写的一样,我现在病了。所以我对翻译质量比以往差一事表示抱歉,我尽力了。 Check out Listy’s article about Chieftain development – part 1 记得去看看Listy的关于酋长开发过程的文章 - SerB doesn’t often use the Soviet branch as a comparison for other branches (SS: earlier, it was posted somewhere that some Soviet vehicles serve as some sort of “base” for other vehicle comparison) SerB并不经常把苏联线拿来用于其他线的比较上(SS:早些时候,好像有过一帖说部分苏联车是作为某种程度上的“标杆”以便于其他车辆进行比较) - whenever a tank moves, it is instantly considered to be moving (for camo purposes) 当坦克开始移动的一瞬间,它的状态就从静止变成移动了(这条是针对隐蔽机制来讲的) - the rule above applies for all types of vehicles 上述规则适用于全部车型 - a player asked, whether WoWs is being developed, or priority lies elsewhere. SerB answers that WoWs development is made by a separate independent studio and it is influenced very little by other WG projects 有玩家在问,战舰世界是否在开发中,或者它的开发优先级很低。SerB回复说战舰世界的开发是由另一个独立工作室进行的,其他WG的游戏对它的影响很小 - shell velocities in WoT are lower than in real life in order to emphasize the skill factor (pre-aiming) WOT中的弹速比现实生活中慢,以强调技巧的重要性(预瞄车身) - all types of shells for the same gun have the same velocity in order not to confuse players 游戏中同一杆炮的所有弹种的弹药速度都被搞成一样的是为了不让玩家产生迷惑 - SerB, when asked whether MM is taking into account situations, where elite clans make platoons of OP tanks in high tier battles: “You got skilled – you have the right to pwn. If you made a platoon from skilled players – you have to pwn.” 当SerB被问起,那些顶级战队的玩家组了一些OP车,进到高级房里头的情况考不考虑进MM时,他是这么说的:“你玩得好—你就有了屠幼的权力。如果你和这些高玩一起组队的话—你就一定要去屠幼了。” - apparently the rumor that if you are getting nasty fights, it’s enough to just switch a server to “reset” MM is just a rumor 相传,当你的分房很差时,切换服务器可以“重置”你的MM是错的 - ground resistance is not tied to the tank weight – weight is taken into account in power-to-weight ratio, not in the resistance 坦克的地面阻力与坦克重量无关—重量只有在计算推重比的时候才考虑在内,与阻力啥的没有关系 - the ingame report system will be improved (it is being developed), it’s possible the “justifiability” of each player will be taken into account (SS: as in, a complaint by a player, who submits bullshit reports might have smaller weight than the one by a player, who reports correctly, at least that’s how I understood it) 游戏内的举报系统会得到改进(现在还在开发中),每个玩家举报的“合理性”会被考虑到举报之内(SS:也就是说,一个瞎举报的玩家比一个举报正确的玩家在计算时的权重要低,至少我是这么理解的) - SerB doesn’t see a general problem with the “old” tanks (SS: as in earlier introduced): “If Veider’s team notices problems in statistics, we will buff them” SerB表示他在“旧的”(SS:也就是说早些时间引入的坦克)坦克上找不出一个共有的问题:“如果Veider的团队在数据中发现问题的话,我们会Buff他们的” - SerB states that the appearance of alternative hulls does NOT mean the current issues with load capacity will be completely negated, he adds that there shouldn’t be that much of a problem in it, because later (more advanced) hulls will simply have access to later modules (SS: as in, early hull variant will have access to stock gun like it is now, the late one will have access to upgraded guns) SerB表示可选车身的出现并不意味着现在的履带载重量的设定会被完全取消,他表示车身应该不会带来多大问题的,因为后期的(更加先进的)车身直接就可以使用后期的模块(SS:换句话说就是,早期的车身们会和现在一样,用白板炮。而后期的车身们就可以用顶级炮之类) - for now, the hulls are planned as tied to the suspensions 现在,可选车身是要计划和悬挂系统绑定在一起的 - Havok will have no influence on shell behavior, it will work client-wise (SS: shells will not have mass) Havok对弹药的行为方式不会产生影响,因为Havok是客户端的效果(SS:游戏中的炮弹没有重量) - 0 damage hits being removed from the game (SS: as in, damaging tracks would damage the tank HP as well)? “It’s not decided yet, we are discussing” 0伤害击穿会不会从游戏中移除(SS:也就是说,打断履带也会对坦克的血量造成伤害)?“现在这事还没定下来呢,我们还在讨论中。” - Object 140 model will be reworked – when it is reworked to the HD quality 140工程的模型会被重制—当它被重制成高清版的时候 - about shooting HE shells into enemy gun barrel: the “explosion” happens not always at the end of the barrel, but at the point it met the barrel. Shooting the end of the barrel however will produce 0 damage hit. 关于对敌人的炮管打HE弹的事情:“爆炸”并不总是在炮管根部发生, 而是在炮弹与炮管交汇处发生。但是射击炮管根部的后果就是没有伤害 - it’s possible, that alternative hulls will have their modules somehow “locked”, for example the T-54 (with two equally valuable hulls – either more armor, or more speed), the older (more armored) hull might be able to use only the stock turret with LB-1 as its gun 可选车身的模块有可能会做成“锁住的”,举个栗子,T-54来说(有两个同等重要的车身—一个装甲厚一点,一个速度快一点),旧的(装甲厚一点的)车身有可能会做成只能使用白板炮塔,主炮是LB-1这样 - vehicle viewrange will not be buffed (“it’s big as it is now”) 车辆视野不会被Buff(“和现在一样大”) - missing US premium TD? “We do not guarantee the symmetry of all types of premium vehicles for all nations” 美国金币TD还有没有了?“我们不保证每个国家的每种车型都会有金币车” - Q: “Should we wait for new maps with western, African, Eastern and Asian thematics, CW innovations and premium French vehicles?” A: “Noone can forbid you to wait” 问:“我们要不要等待以西方国家,非洲,东方国家以及亚洲主题的地图,领土战的新亮点,以及法国的金币车?”答:“等去吧,我们拦不住你” - apparently, on supertest an option was tried where bunker guns on maps suddenly came alive and started shooting at the tanks passing by 超测服上有了这样的一个选项,就是地图上的那些碉堡里的炮们突然开始了活动,并且会对过往的坦克开火。 Earlier today, Storm posted a “fan mail” he recieved from some Russian player (pretty funny whine). In comments, Veider wrote he gets over a dozen of such stuff per day. 今天早些时候,Storm贴了一个毛服玩家的“粉丝来信”(都是些喷人的东西)。在评论区当中,Veider表示他每天会受到一大堆这样的东西。 - developers decided not to implement a winrate per session statistics, because people would only get butthurt about 30 percent per session and those, who really want this stuff (unicums) can get it via mods 开发团队决定不给游戏中加入一个每次游戏的胜率的数据,因为那些每次玩游戏胜率只有30%的人会很蛋疼,而那些很想要这个功能的人(高玩们)可以通过MOD来拿到这个数据 [编辑:路牙]