0210你问我答 9.1版本将会有新的惩罚制度
2014-02-10 15:31来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
- Evilly: there will be an unified launcher for all WG games 所有WG的游戏将会有一个统一的登陆器。 - the leaver and AFK punishment system mentioned by Evilly should come in 9.1 Evilly提到的暂【挂】离【机】惩罚系统将会在9.1到来 - the captcha system, mentioned by Evilly would be like “if the amount of battles per day exceeds X, you will have to type captcha code before you can enter a battle”, this is just a concept – not a final decision Evilly所以提到的验证码系统将会是“如果你一天战斗达到一定场次后,下一场战斗开始前,你必须输入验证码才能进入战斗”这只是一个卫星,还没决定。 - there are pieces of the captcha code in the game files for quite a while, this is apparently made specifically for China 很长一段时间里,游戏文件中都有验证码,这些是专门为私服弄的。 Also, apparently in 8.11, a certain bush was removed from Hidden Village 在8.11更新后,将会有一块草丛从迷雾小镇地图移除。 [编辑:路牙]