0312你问我答 9.0版本将会带来2大新特性
2014-03-12 15:02来源:网络发布者:yi︶曲゛流年新手卡|游戏下载
the question, how the European tech tree crewnationality will work, was not decided yet 欧洲联合线的成员国籍问题还没有最终定论。 wrong icons in today’s historical battlesinfo are simply placeholders 上面关于历史战的文章中坦克图标与名称对不上号的原因是:它们只是用来占位置的。 the setups of vehicles in historical battlesreleased today, are NOT final, they are just concepts, it’s too early for finalsetup versions according to the developers (SS: it was mentioned that forexample the M10/Panther could appear in Ardennes campaign) 今天公布了参加历史战的坦克名单,但还没最终确定,它们只是概念,开发者称现在就确定最终步骤还为时尚早。(SS:比如说有提到M10“伪装豹”可能在阿登反击战中出现) Tiger in historical battles will not have theL/71, but the 88mm L/56 历史战中的虎式将失去88L/71,只能用88L/56 historical battles will work like a differentmode, they will not be a random battle mode like encounter, assault andconfrontation 历史战更像是一个不同的模式,不会是像诸如夺旗,攻防和国战那样的随机模式。 according to Storm, 9.0 will bring two majorfeatures: updated (HD) tanks and historical battles Strom称9.0将会带来2大新特性:升级的(高清)坦克以及历史战。 9.0 test will not come this week (SS: end ofthe month/beginning of April for now) 9.0测试服这周还不会开。(SS:3月末或者4月初来) apprently the “hotspot” of 9.0 will be thecomparison between WG and War Thunder HD models 很明显,9.0的“热点”将会是WG和WT的高清模型对比。 a lot ofartillery players have noticed a bug, where shells tend to land all over theplace, in a completely different sector or just outside of the screen. 很多火炮玩家注意到这样一个Bug:炮弹可能飞出圈外,甚至飞出屏幕外。 Well, I havegood news. Storm confirmed that this bug has been identified and it will befixed in 9.0 嘛,咱得到一些好消息。Storm确认这个Bug已经被发现,并且将会在9.0修复。 IS-4 HD screenshot IS-4高清截图一张 [编辑:西贰]