2014-03-13 14:16来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
In patch 9.0 youwill be able to enter the “Historical Battle Mode” by choosing ‘Historicalbattles’ in the window for battle type selection. This option is disabled ifyou are in a platoon. 9.0版本能够在战斗类型选项窗口选择“历史战”,进入“历史战模式”。如果你组队的话,这个选项将会被自动屏蔽。 Below you cansee the menu for selection between historical battles which appears after youhave entered the mode: 下图就是当你进入这个模式之后选择不同历史战役的菜单。 This is the mainmenu where you can choose a historical battle, vehicle and look over your tankbefore you start the battle. In version 9.0 you will be able to choose betweenthree historical battles: 这是你选择哪一场历史战役,使用哪一辆坦克以及在开始战斗之前对坦克进行检查的主菜单。在9.0版本中你能够在3个不同的历史战役中做出选择。 Lake Balatonoffensive 巴拉顿湖攻势: Map: Erlenberg 地图:埃勒斯堡 Vehicles: 坦克: USSR – IS, T-34, T-34-85, ISU-152, SU-100, SU-76 苏联:IS,T-34,T-34-85,ISU-152,SU-100,SU-76 Germany – Stug III, Tiger II, Panther, Pz IV, Jagdtiger, Jagdpanther 德国:III号突击炮,虎王,黑豹,IV号,猎虎,猎豹