0314你问我答 9.0下周四公测历史战不能组队
2014-03-14 15:22来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
One more thing to be clear: the fact 0.9.0 patchnotes appeared today (partially) is due to the fact that today, patch 0.9.0 appeared on supertest. According to regular schedule, that means that common test should come next Thursday. HOWEVER, this patch is anything but common and delays are inevitable. Storm posted that the test will come in 2-3 weeks. 开头的话:9.0的消息汇总为啥今天放出?因为今天开始超测服阶段。按照日程计划,这意味着公测将会在下个星期四到来。但是呢,这个汇总比较没特色,并且有延后,嘛,这是不可避免的,Storm君说测试将会在2-3周之内到来。 - optimization of World of Tanks is being conducted continuously - 坦克世界的优化?正按照指示有条不紊的进行中 - there is no need to rebalance arty in general apparently - 没有重新平衡火炮的必要 - choosing your team setup for maps in team battles will come after 9.0 - 7V7根据地图选队友车型配置?9.0之后有 - current amount of arties in battles is 1-3 per team - 目前平均一队有1-3门火炮 - it’s not yet sure, whether confrontation will be completely scrapped or just temporarily disabled – Storm states that in order to work, it needs its MM fixed and there are no resources to do that for now - 国战是彻底移除还是暂时的?现在还不确定,Storm君说为了更好的游戏,国战的分房要重新修改,目前还没有资源去做这个 - apparently, according to Storm, confrontation setups like 15 RhB vs 15 ISU are not caused by faulty MM, they are caused by the fact that there are too many vehicles of that kind in the queue - 根据Storm君的说法,国战出现15个莱茵打15个ISU-152,这并不是分房错误,造成这种局面只能说明在等待序列里,这些车实在是太多了 - roaming: “when it’s done it’s done” - 毛子,说好的漫游呢?“做好了就告诉你” - according to Storm, the “epic” part of 9.0 are the HD tanks and historical battles - Storm君说,9.0划时代的部分就是HD版坦克模型和历史战 - the exact wording of new team battle awards and how Steel Wall was changed will be disclosed when the common test comes, but basically, Steel Wall had HE shell hits removed from its counter - 精确的7V7勋章的语言表述和不死鸟怎么修改要等到公测出来才能揭晓,不过,不死鸟就不统计被HE击中的情况了 - Storm confirms that T7 speed was buffed - Storm君确认,T7战斗车的速度加强了 - for now, new tree, bush and grass render is “when it’s done it’s done” - 新的树木,灌木丛,草的着色器?“做好了就告诉你” - T7CC and Mk.VIc were not buffed earlier simply because the department didn’t get to do it - T7战斗车和Mk.Vic没在之前就得到加强仅仅是因为做这个的部门没去做 - the way MM will work in historical battles is simple: each vehicle will have its special HB MM weight, both teams are to have the same weight and a hardcap on each team’s MM weight sum - 历史战的分房方式将会比较简单:每一辆车都有它自己的历史战分房权重,两队总的权重是一样的,并且都有权重总和的上限 - fixed setups (SS: as in, 5xPanzer IV and 1x Tiger vs 5x T-34 and 1x IS) for historical battles were not implemented, because they caused queues - 历史战的固定队伍组成?不会有,不然等待时间会很长(SS:固定组成,举个栗子,5个IV号,1个护士,打对面5个T-34,1个IS) - characteristics of tanks in historical battles will not be changed compared to random battles, the only changes will be the limits on tanks in battles, the limits on their configuration and historical ammunition setup - 历史战里坦克的性能参数不会和随机战场有差别,唯一不同的是有车辆配置和历史弹药组成的限制 - no matter what, historical battles will not be removed – there will be no imbalance between sides and if they prove to be unpopular, that’s not reason enough for removing them - 不管发生什么, 历史战不会被移除——不会有两方的不平衡。如果最后没什么人玩?哼哼,这个理由不足以移除历史战 - the dynamic resolution means that the UI resolution will remain the same, while the texture and game resolution can get lower in order to increase FPS - 动态分辨率是说界面UI的分辨率不变,纹理和游戏内的分辨率可以调低,这样FPS就能上去了 - it’s not known yet, when (if at all) E-10 will appear in WoT, it’s not in plans right now - 啥时候出E-10?不知道,目前没计划 - Storm confirms that the T7CC and Vickers Mk.VIc changes leak is correct - Storm君确认,之前泄露的T7战斗车和维克斯Mk.Vic变化情报是真实的 - improved graphics video for 9.0 will be released when the graphics development is finished - 在画质的工作搞定之后,会出一个9.0画质提升的宣传视频 - on the new models, rotating parts such as the ventilators will not be animated (SS: that’s okay, in real life you wouldn’t see that from outside anyway) - 新的模型里,诸如通风器一类的旋转的物件不会真的动起来(SS:好吧,在现实里,你从外面也看不到的) - destroyed tank model will be as it was until now (pre-rendered) and not changing with the way your tank was destroyed - 被摧毁的坦克模型以后还是现在这样(预渲染),坦克被摧毁的过程也还是现在这样 - WT E-100 autoloader will not be animated - E-100 WT的自动装弹机不会动起来 - T-62 will not get the automated shell ejector animation - T-62不会有自动退蛋的动画效果 - apparently, “small” tanks (lower tiers) will have improved income in historical battles, 50 percent credit bonus and 20 percent XP bonus - ”小“坦克(低级车)进入历史战有收益加成,银币加50%,经验加20% - there will be awards for historical battles as well - 历史战也会有勋章 - 9.0 test will come in 2-3 weeks - 9.0测试将会在2-3周后到来 - new HD models will have collision models changed as well (SS: one important thing to note is the fact that ALL reworked vehicles will have different collision models – in other words, even if you don’t use HD textures, you will still use the new collision model) - 新HD模型也会有新的碰撞模型的变化(SS:有一点要强调一下,事实上,所有被重做的车辆都会有新的不同的碰撞模型,——换句话说,即使你不用HD纹理补丁包,你也能感受到并且“用“新的碰撞模型) - parts of tanks falling off will come when Havok is introduced, eg. not in 9.0 - 当Havok引入之后,坦克的一些零件就能被轰下来了,但不是在9.0 - “British Shermans” (SS: Firefly) will come this year - ”不列颠谢尔曼“(SS:也就是谢尔曼萤火虫)今年引入游戏 - the timetable for HD tank implementation for Wargaming is very strict and leaves very little space for other model changes - WG很重视HD坦克,制作时间表非常非常紧,所以给其他模型修改留的时间就很少了 - graphic improvements (not mentioned in 9.0 patchnotes for now) include new shaders and switch from SSAO to HBAO (SS: whatever that is) - 画质提升(在9.0消息汇总里没有提到)包括新的着色器,并且从SSAO换到了HBAO(SS;不明觉厉) (SSAO,屏幕空间环境光遮蔽(Screen Space Ambient Occlusion), HBAO, 水平环境光遮蔽(Horizon-based Ambient Occlusion) - SMAA anti-aliasing will not be implemented, because it concerns standard (old) render - SMAA抗锯齿不会有,因为这跟标准(旧版)着色器有关(我们要用新的了) - ammorack hitpoints will not be rebalanced (SS: in connection with the turrets flying off) - 弹药架模块血量不会重新平衡(SS:这个炮塔被炸飞有点联系) - developers didn’t manage to finish the possibility of turning tanks upside down (on their roof) on time for 9.0 - 开发者们还不打算在9.0就引入坦克翻车的设定 - other than T7CC and Mk.VIc, there will be no tank changes in 9.0 - 9.0里,除了T7战斗车和Mk.Vic,其他坦克米有变化 - developers already have statistics of how nerfing TD alpha influenced gameplay, but Storm stated he can’t tell - 开发者们有砍TD单发伤害对游戏影响的数据,但Storm君说他不能说 - aim sigma wasn’t changed recently (SS: not sure whether it means previously, or in 9.0) - 最近没动过瞄准扩圈(SS:不知道是不是以前改过,或者说9.0要改) - dynamic tank characteristics in garage were not forgotten - 车库里的动态坦克数据?我们记着呢 - various levels of detail of HD tanks will not consist of old textures (the current ones), but of new HD models, cut into lower resolution - HD坦克的不同层级上的细节不包括旧的纹理(现在的),但是新的HD模型,将会有低分辨率 - the “even spread throughout the team positions rule” (SS: as in, you spend on the bottom of the team the same time as on top) will be disabled for historical battles - ”极端队伍位置原则“在历史战不会有(SS:举个栗子,你当班长和你垫底的次数一样多) - heatmaps posted by “an American server” (SS: not sure which sever posts these, wotlabs?) are invalid, according to Storm - 所谓的美服玩家(SS:谁发的?我也不知道)发的热点地图是无效的,Storm君如是说道 - it’s possible new historical turrets will appear when vehicles are reworked into HD - 车辆在HD重置之后,也许会有新的历史战炮塔 - for now, it will not be possible to have platoons in historical battles, later this option will be implemented - 目前,历史战不能组队,但以后会可以 - new shaders will not cause FPS increase - 新的着色器不会增加FPS