0317你问我答 关于AVRE百夫长和M728CEV
2014-03-18 14:53来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
Today, again, nothing unfortunately. I even checked the “lesser developers answering” section on RU forums (which is basically equal to EU/US regular questions thread) and the questions from there are so dumb that I just facepalmed and closed it for the sake of my sanity. The only “interesting” piece of info is that no matter how hard you beg (and some begged quite a lot), developers won’t tell you when the 3rd campaign begins. 恩,今天还是没有什么东西。我甚至还去看了毛服“开发团队回答较少的板块”(就和美服 /欧服常规的问题贴一样那种感觉),那边的问题都特别的傻逼,为了我自己的人身安全,我在自瞎双目之后以克苏鲁的名义把页面关掉了。唯一“有趣”的事情是,无论你用什么姿势去问(有人问的还不少)开发团队第三次领土战锦标赛什么时候开始,他们就是不会告诉你的。 What you can do is check the newest list of bots, the red ones on it were banned already. The fun part is: you might see the player “gritzy” on the list. He got banned and here, he moans like a bitch on the bot owner’s forums 你现在能做的就是去看看新的挂机名单(外服——译注),红色的那些就是已经被ban的人了。有意思的是,你在名单上会看到有个叫gritzy的玩家,他被Ban了,而在这里,他像条狗一样的在那个开发BOT软件的论坛上大吠特吠。 Also, you might remember my post about Centurion AVRE and M728 CEV. Listy had some comments to add andposted a reaction on Overlord’s blog. It’s well worth reading. 还有,你也许能记得我的那篇关于AVRE百夫长和M728 CEV的帖子 。Listy在Overlord的博客上对文章进行了点评,并且发了一篇响应的文章。还是挺值得一读的。