0311你问我答 9.0修复火炮炮弹落在瞄准圈外
2014-03-11 15:11来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
- Storm confirms that a part of the tanks in the game will have real sounds, recorded from real existing tanks of the proper type. The rest will have apparently sounds from roughly the same class of tanks (analogues) Storm肯定说游戏内的一部分坦克会有真实的,也就是从生活中录下来的声音。剩下的炮声就是用差不多等级的坦克的声音来类比该种炮声了。 - according the Wargaming, the following situation is not a bug, but a result of shells originating (flying out) from the mantlet while shooting with the unaimed gun 根据WG所述,以下情况并不是Bug,而是炮弹在主炮没有瞄准的情况下从炮盾中出发(向外飞)而导致的 - apparently, the situation above is a result of a compromise between game mechanics and historical realism 上述情况是在游戏机制和史实性上做出的一种妥协行为的结果 - occasional desynchronisation between client and server is unavoidable with current state of world network development 偶然发生的在客户端和服务器端之间的不同步在当前的世界网络发展的情况下是不可避免的 - artillery shells flying outside of the aim circle was identified as a bug, it will be fixed in 9.0 火炮炮弹落在瞄准圈外这事被认定为是一个Bug,将会在9.0进行修复 - Russian “Valuev” voiceover will not be reworked 毛子的“瓦卢耶夫”语音不会被重制的