坦克世界你问我答 9.2将会加强IS7射速
2014-05-26 03:49来源:网络发布者:俏面小郎君新手卡|游戏下载
25.5.2014 Posted on May 25, 2014 by Silentstalker — 78 Comments ↓ - the engine sound will not be heard during the battle countdown, the vehicle will fire up after the countdown reaches 0 引擎声音只有在倒计时为0的时候,你才能够听见 - of all players online, the percentage of players in queue changes, the amount of players online depends a lot on events and missions 所有在线的所有玩家中,排队的玩家比例不断变化,总玩家数很大程度上取决于各种活动和任务 - in the test, SU-100 guns (D-10S and D-2-5S) did not get their camo factor after shot nerfed, this will be fixed in the next round/live client 在测试中,SU-100的100和122炮的开炮隐蔽加成都没有砍,2测我们就会修复 - the same gun on various tanks (unless it’s premium tanks) should not have different camo loss after shot from one another (SS: as in, for example D-10S will lose the same amount of camo factor after shooting on all tanks that carry it) 不同坦克上的同一门炮(金币车例外)开炮后的隐蔽惩罚应该是一样的(举个栗子:SS:比如说携带D-10S炮的同学的开炮后隐蔽应该是相同的) - the fact the loss of visibility after shooting for RhB was nerfed only slightly is correct 莱茵开炮隐蔽削弱只一丢丢是正确的(莱茵还是很牛掰嘛) - Storm on War Thunder: “We played it. We were somewhat surprised that nothing changed there since November. I won’t talk about their issues, I hope they understand them all themselves.” Storm评价WT:洒家也玩过了,我们很惊讶的发现从11月以来这游戏就没啥变化(不是我们放卫星你们就做么,来呀,怕你呀),我就不叨叨他们的毛病了,自己领悟吧 - Storm did test the new tank motion physics, he liked it Storm测试了新坦克运动物理效果,他很喜欢 - new motion system will come “this year” (SS: it was earlier planned for 9.2 according to developers, whether it will really come then is uncertain) 新物理引擎“今年就有”(SS:卫星上发来消息(前些日子)说计划在9.2有,不过具体什么时候到还是个卫星) - it would be possible to implement a system where players would make their own camo and inscriptions, but it is not needed according to Storm, the battlefield would look terrible 有可能让玩家diy签名和涂装,但是Storm说没必要,因为战场看起来会乱七八糟 - gun loading sound rework is not planned 没打算重置主炮音效 - regarding the rebalance of some tanks so they are more comfortable: “For now I cannot say, first we will deal with more obvious candidates for rebalance” 问:能不能重新平衡一些坦克,让他们玩的更爽? 答:现在无可奉告,首先还是要选出哪个车需要重新平衡 - gun sounds too “poof”? “Fire the gun in Kharkov, there are echo zones installed there” 炮声跟吹蜡烛的响声似的?里哈尔科夫一开炮,就能听到回声 - bonus XP for “tanking” (soaking damage with your armor) – “we will implement it when we consider it necessery and when we finish working on it” 我们要装甲吸收伤害的额外经验? 要是有必要会添加 - for now, nothing was decided about the HE shells (SS: mechanism changes, nerfs etc.) 现在为止,关于HE弹还没有盖棺定论(SS:改变机制,砍他等等) - Stronkhold mode will come “later” 要塞模式的卫星超出了我们预紧的轨道,预计,我也不知道什么时候回来 - Maus doesn’t have a (planned) 150mm gun, because there was a 128mm gun made in real life on the prototype (SS: and to separate it from E-100) 鼠爷不会用150炮,现实就只造出来128炮(SS:还是为了要与E-100分开) - “28 bots in one battle?” – Storm: “No comment, haven’t seen the video” 俄服欢乐多之28只挂机狗在战斗S:我没见过呀 28只狗链接 - other RU developer on bots: “We always banned bots, are banning bots and always will. But the issue is vastly overblown.” 其它毛子开发同学评价挂机脚本:我们一直在封挂机脚本,这个问题还是有吹过头了了 - IS-7 DPM will apparently be buffed in 9.2 9.2中,IS7会加强射