坦克世界你问我答 9.2加强IS7射速为谣言
2014-05-27 20:35来源:网络发布者:俏面小郎君新手卡|游戏下载
26.5.2014Posted onMay 26, 2014bySilentstalker—49 Comments ↓ Check thenewarticleby Listy about US Marines serving in China - Storm on quotingDiscovery Channel (Great Tank Battles show) as a historical source: “Discoveryis even more laughable than Wikipedia. My source are our historicalconsultants.” (SS: the question was, whether there were Tigers in Ardennes –there were a few, they didn’t fight though) Storm说将Discovery频道的纪录片《坦克大战》当作历史来源:Discovery的扯淡功夫比维基还高。我们的来源是历史顾问。(SS:问题是阿登战役到底有没有虎式 有,但是没参与战斗) - for now, developersaren’t considering removing the rule where both sides have to have the sameamount of arty (and scouts) (SS: this rule is not absolute, I think there is+/-1 tolerance) 开发者们暂时还不会移除两边队伍火炮和眼车的数量要一样多的潜规则。(SS:这规则不是绝对的,我觉得有多一个少一个也是可以忍受的) - Storm states that whenit comes to historicity of guns in World of Tanks – made up tanks (WT E-100)can have any gun that fits, historical tanks can only have guns they had inreal life Storm称当考虑到游戏中火炮的历史性时,胡编的坦克(举个栗子:白云)可以得到一切适合的火炮,而历史上有的坦克则只能有史实火炮 - Storm regarding theassault mode: “What is there to comment? It’s a normal mode. I play it from thebeginning without switching it off.” Storm评价攻防战:瞎吵吵什么?这是个标准模式,我从这个模式开始的时候就一直在玩,从来没有勾掉过 - Storm, explaining whyassault and encounter modes don’t have their own specialized maps andresponding to a player who claims they are bland Storm解释为什么攻防和夺旗模式没有专属地图的原因,回应那些BB这两模式无聊的玩家 “Because we don’tconsider it rational to make maps for those mods only. You personally decidethe level of blandness of a mode? Are there any normal criteria that determine“blandness”? Assault and Encounter mode are finished and polished. Historicalbattles are in the state of finding the correct solution.” “因为我们认为只为了这些mod做地图不理性,你自己定义一个模式无聊的标准是什么?攻防和夺旗已经是成熟的模式了,而历史战还处在找到正确的解决方案的道路上。” - Storm reacting on the“28 bots in one game” video: “You’d have to find out what is shown in there ingeneral and how it happened. Personally, I don’t have time to do this onSunday. Sorry.” Storm回应“一场战斗28条挂机狗”的视频:首先你得弄明白这视频说了啥,又是怎么发生的。很抱歉我周日没时间关注这事。 - according to Storm,the TD share in battles has long since stopped growing and now is within normalframe(感觉这个单词应该是分开的normal frame). WG checks every month. Storm称TD在队伍中份额已停止增长,现正在正常水平。WG每月都会检查 - too many TD’s in battles? “Statisticsdo not confirm that” and “We do not observe the dominance of TD’s” TD太多了!“统计表明没这事,“我们并没有发现TD统治的情况” -long map loading? “We are investigate this issue” 地图加载时间太长?我们正在调查这问题 - Storm states that the IS-7 buffplanned was a hoax started by Jove (Russian streamer), there will be no buff(SS: to my eternal shame, I jumped on this too – basically, he – or someoneelse – photoshopped a fake screenshot of “Storm’s post”) Storm称IS-7要被加强的说法是Jove瞎编的,没加强。(SS:打脸了,我也中枪了...他或者别人,PS了一张“Storm的博文”的截图) This is how the fakelooked (quite convincing) - Storm doesn’t know whether the A45/FV201 will be a tier 7 or 8 and when will it come Storm不知道A45/FV201到底是7级还是8级,也不知道卫星几时回收 - situations where you get the same map several times in a row are apparently okay 经常进同一张图很正常