
坦克世界你问我答 9.2加强IS7射速为谣言

2014-05-27 20:35来源:网络发布者:俏面小郎君新手卡|游戏下载

   26.5.2014Posted onMay 26, 2014bySilentstalker—49 Comments ↓

  Check thenewarticleby Listy about US Marines serving in China

  - Storm on quotingDiscovery Channel (Great Tank Battles show) as a historical source: “Discoveryis even more laughable than Wikipedia. My source are our historicalconsultants.” (SS: the question was, whether there were Tigers in Ardennes –there were a few, they didn’t fight though)

  Storm说将Discovery频道的纪录片《坦克大战》当作历史来源:Discovery的扯淡功夫比维基还高。我们的来源是历史顾问。(SS:问题是阿登战役到底有没有虎式 有,但是没参与战斗)

  - for now, developersaren’t considering removing the rule where both sides have to have the sameamount of arty (and scouts) (SS: this rule is not absolute, I think there is+/-1 tolerance)


  - Storm states that whenit comes to historicity of guns in World of Tanks – made up tanks (WT E-100)can have any gun that fits, historical tanks can only have guns they had inreal life


  - Storm regarding theassault mode: “What is there to comment? It’s a normal mode. I play it from thebeginning without switching it off.”


  - Storm, explaining whyassault and encounter modes don’t have their own specialized maps andresponding to a player who claims they are bland


  “Because we don’tconsider it rational to make maps for those mods only. You personally decidethe level of blandness of a mode? Are there any normal criteria that determine“blandness”? Assault and Encounter mode are finished and polished. Historicalbattles are in the state of finding the correct solution.”


  - Storm reacting on the“28 bots in one game” video: “You’d have to find out what is shown in there ingeneral and how it happened. Personally, I don’t have time to do this onSunday. Sorry.”


  - according to Storm,the TD share in battles has long since stopped growing and now is within normalframe(感觉这个单词应该是分开的normal frame). WG checks every month.


  - too many TD’s in battles? “Statisticsdo not confirm that” and “We do not observe the dominance of TD’s”


  -long map loading? “We are investigate this issue”


  - Storm states that the IS-7 buffplanned was a hoax started by Jove (Russian streamer), there will be no buff(SS: to my eternal shame, I jumped on this too – basically, he – or someoneelse – photoshopped a fake screenshot of “Storm’s post”)


  This is how the fakelooked (quite convincing)

  - Storm doesn’t know whether the A45/FV201 will be a tier 7 or 8 and when will it come


  - situations where you get the same map several times in a row are apparently okay



上一篇:坦克世界你问我答 9.2将会加强IS7射速 下一篇:坦克世界你问我答 9.1大地图卫星和分房表


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

